So... Why shouldn't I get a T100C2 Mk II?

For $13 more you can get a P20C2 that is smaller, brighter and has a better beam IMO. Also has stainless bezel.

hmm.. lower mode is mentioned.

hmm.. tint.. some might like warmer led tints.. (me)

hmm.. if you already have similar light, dont think you definately need another one.

i think you rather should mention the reasons why you think you should get it.. and then decide if you need it.
but can't take a 18650 rechargeable for longer run times and less expensive use.

EDIT: no weapon kit option if that was an interest.
Stand up tail cap isn't available either AFAIK.
EDIT II: my bad - it does have option of stand up tail (P20C2)

For $13 more you can get a P20C2 that is smaller, brighter and has a better beam IMO. Also has stainless bezel.

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Because you still have a stack of old-school rechargeable C cells in the kitchen drawer begging for a little flashlight love. Get yourself the retro Lumapower 2C Mentor Tool light instead.
I did:grin2:
The reason I'm interested is because I've wanted a TK11 for forever now and I read somewhere that the T100c2 actually out throw's it... not to mention about half the price.

I have a DBS MC-E and a fenix P3D... and so I wanted to add a pocket thrower to my collection, which is mostly what I'm going for.
Also, what has better throw or lux readings between T100c2, T20c2, and P20c2?
Half the price most often means reduced quality somewhere in the product. Not always though.

Remember that lux reading don't tell the whole story. While it is true that they are an indicator of the range/throw of the light, this does not tell you how good you can actually see with it.

A very high lux with a very thin beam has much less area coverage than less lux with a wider beam. And area coverage counts for a lot in seeing things. Field of vision is important.
A laser throws very far but offers a somewhat poor field of vision. Just an extreme example.

Just IMHO and a side note, of course.

The T100C2 has a smaller emitter than the TK11, and the reflector size is very similar. Just based on those two aspects alone, it should have more throw, and probably does. However, it might not be noticeable.

As far as quality goes, apparently the T100C2's body tube is a fair amount thicker than the TK11's.
Get the t100c2. Runtimes double their competitors. And because its low priced, you don't have to worry about dents, scratches, and chips. I use mine for camping and fishing all night, and it barely took any juice out of the battery.
Another thing the P20C2 has is a 5 lumen low setting (3 settings total) that lasts 180 hours.
