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Sold/Expired SOLD!: Gigantic Ganp Griffin custom


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 16, 2009
(Cedar Point on Lake Erie) Huron, Ohio
I am offering one of the most awesome lights you will find here or anywhere else. The Ganp head, which is the size of a M3, was commissioned by Donn and machined by Colin in England. The crenelated bezel ring mates so perfectly that it appears to be one piece and the seam is virtually invisible. Inside the gorgeous head is a Nailbender custom built D-36 Drop-in with a SST-50 4000 K warm tinted emitter with a three level driver. I was told that this one measured output at 531 out-the-front lumens and the focus of the reflector exhibited perfection. The body is one of Mac's custom C-series 6p hosts with an integrated four lobe grip ring. This one was bored to accept 18650 li-ion cells for extended run time. The tailcap is also custom machined by Ganp and it features a modified McClicky switch that is recessed to permit tailstanding. I received this one from Warx23 in a recent trade deal but realize I have too many toys and some have to get new homes before my wife kicks me out because the mail man delivers too many packages to my house! I'll start this one at $395 shipped in the USA. Here we go with yet another "Catch and Release!"





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Re: For Sale: Gigantic Ganp Griffin custom

Awesome toy Karl! Ganp does very very high quality custom lights!

I love them! Good luck with your sale...:wave:

BTW, ist a SSt-50 not "SST-40" drop-in, or?
Re: For Sale: Gigantic Ganp Griffin custom

WOW Collin and Mac out did themselves here. The head is awesome with the bezel.

This won't last long. Great light/ great seller

Re: For Sale: Gigantic Ganp Griffin custom

:takeit: Hey Karl, Please check your PM for confirmation and some questions.
Once I saw the picture a couple of days ago you sent me, I was thinking if that ever comes up available I would have to get it. Just in time for my birthday too.


Re: For Sale: Gigantic Ganp Griffin custom

Nice Karl, did you get the LE yet matey..?
Re: For Sale: Gigantic Ganp Griffin custom

You got it Jeff! It is lovely...but I have lots of lovelies and I am certain that your collection will rival the best of them soon! I figure...what the Hell....some guys collect knives...some guns...some stamps or coins or if they are like me....WIVES! I'm on #4 and I just have to limit my inventory so I don't end up on wife #5 for having too many flashlights. I am just as bad with cameras....I have about 15 and never know which one to use for my appraisals. Litterem...The GDup light engine has not arrived yet so I posted one of my Tranquillity base lights for sale without a light engine as I was waiting on yours because I used the P7 I had in the mule I have posted. I love flashlights ....they are much cheaper than a therapist to maintain my sanity. :shrug: (Or do they drive me nuts? Good topic for another thread!) :thumbsup:
Re: For Sale: Gigantic Ganp Griffin custom

What a superb looking light, one on the finest I have seen yet.
Re: For Sale: Gigantic Ganp Griffin custom

Ok, ill send you the tracking info tonight ;-)
Re: For Sale: Gigantic Ganp Griffin custom

Id like to add this tid bit of info also. After receiving this light from Donn the nailbender drop was a little short of fitting perfect so I contacted Colin (aka Ganp) and he whipped up a cool little ring that fits snug as a bug behind that nailbender drop in and it works like a charm. It brings the drop in up to the lens and perfectly centered. I cant speak highly enough of Colin. First class guy all the way. That SST drop in has that super nice creamy color and throws quite well.
Enjoy it.

I thought Karl would keep it longer then 24hours though. :nana:
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Re: For Sale: Gigantic Ganp Griffin custom

Steve...I think Donn's original description of a Griffin on steroids best suits this piece. I am so used to those tiny little titanium lights that this monster scared me! I have a titanium Warrier about the same size and I just love it. I am just not a warm tint guy and like the floodiness of the M20. Build quality of the Ganp is totally supurb compared to the cheap feel of the tinny ti Warrierit will make a fine addition to Jeff's collection. He might be new to the forum but he has good taste and a fond appreciation for quality. Warx23 took me under his wing when I was a newbie and we have exchanged treasures many times. I am just so HAPPY I could help Jeff out because he was after this host and Mac was sold out. Mac helped me out when I wanted to build a Ti Pineapple like the one Donn had a while back. I think Proline snagged that one. The best thing about this forum is the people and the willingness to share knowledge and satisfy and comfort one another's addiction as our needs and desires are constantly changing with the vast array of readily available treasures here on CPF. Thanks to all! lovecpf
BTW...these awesome pictures were taken by Warx23...my compliments to the chef and nice job you and Donn did to dial this baby in! I really enjoyed my brief encounter with this beauty. Brighterisbetter is still the king of catch and release. I traded him a ti RaClicky I had just got from Gunsmoke (because he placed a WTB ad and he had helped me out before) for his B&G Ti Nautilus and :poof: it was sold again before I could blink. I bought another one a week later and still have that one. Jeff, I think yours came from the same source mine did as he purchased two and Ray bought one and I got the other.
Thanks for the additional info. Those little tidbits are great to know as it helps to understand some of the great build quality that went into this awesome light.

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