SP10 Pro mod to 519a


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015


Anduril on AA? YES!

Firefly of 0.01 Lumens? YES!
Anduril on AA? YES!

Firefly of 0.01 Lumens? YES!

I'm scared to google it...so I'll go straight a knowledgeable source.
Does Anduril require an electrotonic switch?

I just got my first Anduril and it sure is nice.

It's like a poor man's HDS Rotary. haha
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Does Anduril require an electrotonic switch?

I just got my first Anduril and it sure is nice.
Congrats, what did you get?

Yes, like HDS/Novatac, Anduril requires an eSwitch

Anduril lights with tailswitches, such as the FWAA, require a signal tube in the body, similar to the function of the spring in a novatac body tube.

Anduril lights with sideswitches in the head, avoid the need for a signal tube.

imo Anduril offers the ramping UI benefits of the discontinued Nitecore D10 (AA/14500 like SP10 Pro), and the discontinued Nitecore EX10 (16340 like SC21 Pro)

fwiw, the SC21 Pro also has built in charging. illuminated switch button, and a tailmagnet. Review here
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Congrats, what did you get?

Yes, like HDS/Novatac, Anduril requires an eSwitch

Anduril lights with tailswitches, such as the FWAA, require a signal tube in the body, similar to the function of the spring in a novatac body tube.

Anduril lights with sideswitches in the head, avoid the need for a signal tube.

imo Anduril offers the ramping UI benefits of the discontinued Nitecore D10 (AA/14500 like SP10 Pro), and the discontinued Nitecore EX10 (16340 like SC21 Pro)

fwiw, the SC21 Pro also has built in charging. illuminated switch button, and a tailmagnet. Review here

Sorry for the delay.

I got a Noctigon Kr1 copper with the SFT40. It's the first complete light I've purchased since assembling my own.
It has that tube that looks like a battery sleeve. I did not know what that was for.

I did not realize HDS has an eSwitch until you mention it....but it makes sense now because I'm knew I wasn't mechanically clicking an HDS...I just wasn't sure what it was.

It's a neat UI.

The SC21 and SP10 Pro looks like it's a must have.... any light going from 0.1 to 540 to 860 lumens is worth having.
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congrats on your nice Copper light!

yes, Anduril is very flexible.. it is my favorite UI, after a Jetbeam Rotary

fwiw, there is a sale for the SC21 Pro and SP10 Pro w code S7ECOBGO (not affiliated)

the LT1S lantern is on sale also, code FQPPKKTD

The SP10 Pro uses Anduril 2, has a low 0.01 lumens, and runs on AA or 14500

the SC21 Pro uses Anduril 1, has a low of 0.1, a lighted switch, built in charging, and a tailmagnet.. uses 16340.
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congrats on your nice Copper light!

yes, Anduril is very flexible.. it is my favorite UI, after a Jetbeam Rotary

fwiw, there is a sale for the SC21 Pro and SP10 Pro w code S7ECOBGO (not affiliated)

the LT1S lantern is on sale also, code FQPPKKTD

The SP10 Pro uses Anduril 2, has a low 0.01 lumens, and runs on AA or 14500

the SC21 Pro uses Anduril 1, has a low of 0.1, a lighted switch, built in charging, and a tailmagnet.. uses 16340.
View attachment 28943
Jon, what emitter is in the red SP10?
I don't own 16340 size lights bc they just don't fit my hands well. Thx..
I would think Anduril UI would be perfect UI for deep red.

I'm thinking of ordering from Sofirn a SP10 Pro, like the idea of NiMH/14500 and overall size..

Is the above photo, comparison with green SC21, SP10 with stock LH351D 5000k ?
thanks for asking questions.. happy to fill in details
the green SC21 Pro has a dedomed 5700K 519a. this album has more details. The Red SP10 Pro is stock LH351d 5000K, more pics in this album
I would think Anduril UI would be perfect UI for deep red.

I'm thinking of ordering from Sofirn a SP10 Pro, like the idea of NiMH/14500 and overall size..

Is the above photo, comparison with green SC21, SP10 with stock LH351D 5000k ?
14500 is my preferred size and my EDC.
I sold all my 18350 and most of my 16340 because they were too small for my hands

If you get those make sure you add that sweet 2-mode AAA twisty that's on sale for $6
Are you running Vapcell L10 3a button tops, or H10 in SP10 Pro?

Kernel, I own a few of the C01S and C01 Sophia. Use them daily poking around the house early mornings looking inside cabinets, etc.. Think I got one in every room lol.. Great little AAA lights for the money!
I use the 3A battery that Sofirn sells w the light. It is a button top. Flat tops will not work. There is no reason to use a 10A battery imo.. doing so just means the light will heat up faster and step down sooner.

I see zero merit to chasing Turbo for a few seconds, but fwiw, I did a test comparing a 3A and 10A cell in a FWAA (since I have both the 3A and 10A vapcell you asked about). The 10A cell was 22% brighter (not visually significant), for about 1 second. After that both batteries stepped down, and after 30 seconds the thermal regulation had dropped output below 100 Lumens, regardless which battery I used.

fwiw, the sustainable output for my Copper FWAA is about 300 lumens. Whereas the sustainable output for my SP10 Pro is above 500 lumens The single LED SP10 Pro, runs cooler (due to a lower maximum) than the FWAA triple LED.

fwiw, it is not true that triples are more efficient, they actually use MORE power, faster.

fwiw, the FWAA is on sale at illumn w code LABOR25.
fwiw, it is not true that triples are more efficient, they actually use MORE power, faster.

This right here. I'm told they are more efficient because I can use a lower mode but it never works out that way in the real world. I got rid of my triples
in real life, Copper FWAA

in my dreams, Hanko D10:

and you?
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Very nice! Right now it's just a generic 14500 stainless host with a 519a dedomed 5700k.
simple 4 mode 3amp 7135 driver.

You have me interested in the FWAA. Does the light easily turn on in the pocket? I sit the whole day so pocket lights with a clip turn on more easily

If I could have anything it would be a plain looking host turned on a manual lathe like how LM Toolworks, Brat Guy Enterprises and Sigma Customs do it.
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> Does the light easily turn on in the pocket?

it certainly can,
there is an O ring mod that doubles the pressure required to trigger the switch
for some that is safe enough

people who are serious about safety, will use lockout.

I also lower the output ceiling to more sustainable levels.. I see little point in triggering thermal step down

Im not necessarily recommending a FWAA to you, because it is a triple with a very floody beam.. I just like the host...

> a generic 14500 stainless host with a 519a dedomed 5700k.
simple 4 mode 3amp 7135 driver.

sounds effective.. KISS

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