Spare parts grunge mod (unusual serial MC-E Mag Mod)


Nov 16, 2007
in the brightly lit suburbs of NYC (Long Island)
I recently pulled an MC-E from a Ray-O-Vac torch that I prevously modded to MC-E, so that I could convert it to an XP-G torch instead. With that homeless MC-E in hand and a whole bunch of other spare parts and 8 Duraloop AAs laying around, I decided to MacGruber together a torch. All I had to buy was a Mag 2D incan for $15.


1) desolder used MC-E from parallel board and reflow (hotplate) solder onto 4s board
2) dust off unused DX 26106 800mA boost driver and mod for single mode. This will drive the 4s MC-E at 800mA per die, boosting input voltage of 5.2-8.4v to ~14.4V out, (equivalent to running a 4P MC-E at ~3.2A insted of 2.8A). Cut post off of Mag switch and mount driver board to it
3) tear through entire length of 2D host with 35mm hole saw from tail to neck, just so you can fit the uncut "heatsink" in the neck
4) drill and tap holes in the .75" chunk of 1 3/8" round bar used as a heatsink, isolate bottom with kapton tape, apply thermal grease liberally to outside and to thin strip of aluminum foil. wrap heatsink once or twice around with aluminum foil, pass LED wires from driver through holes and press fit the whole stack into the Mag neck. Solder 4S MC-E board in place, lather up with thermal grease and secure with screws
5) apply glowy goodness to star board
6) drop-in glass lens and leftover (and damaged, have new one on the way) DX 53*30mm MOP reflector from SST-90 experimentation (that ought to put a nice spot on the MC-E)
7) convert WallyWorld 3s2p 6AA carrier to 6s (so much easier than building 8AA carrier and modding DX board for 9.6V input), install with unused golden shorty tailspring (carrier has small contact plate on bottom)
8) comapre working torch to more carefully planned projects and giggle when it out-performs several of your other P7 and MCE torches.
9) snap photos, post, go to bed :p






Update: This light no longer exists as pictured above. It has been rebuilt in a black 2D host with new heatsink and reflector as described in this thread.
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