Spotlight Zooming Mechanism Picts?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 15, 2009
Bielefeld Germany

I wonder how is the Zooming mechanism work in the great spotlights, Maxabeam for Example? :confused:

I search the web and CPF for a picture or desctription of it but no succes.

Can somebody please Post a pic of the Maxabeam Mechanics or a another electronic mobile spotlight zooming mechanism!

Many Thanx

Thanx one2Tim

I read Maxabeam for example can be adjusted from 1° spot to 15° flood.
How is this done without mechanism? :confused:
i dont know for sure the mechanics but think of it like a magcharger camed reflector... the electric motor just changes the bulb depth position to change to beam pattern... im assuming
The Maxabeam uses a Futaba Servo to move the bulb forward or backwards. Futaba Servos are mainly used in Radio Controlled cars, airplanes, boats etc.
Thanx for the reply,

Very usefull Information.

Right now i have already bought a micro servo and a servotester to controll the servo without all the RC stuff.

But what kind of mechanik is realy used in Maxabeam for example?
Its really like a maglite a cam solution with turning the bulb?
Or more a tube with some direction channels and linear travel?

Do somebody have a original instuction for maxabeam with pictures from the mechanic?

I can understand that nobody strip his Maxa for me. :party:

Maybe somebody have allready pictures of it?

Many Thanx


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