SST-50 drop in


Newly Enlightened
Feb 10, 2010
I just paid for a nailbender SST-50 drop in and i want this to be as bright as possible. The light will be using one 18650 2600mAh from Deal Extreme. Should i get it as a direct drive? Or 2.5A regulated?
It depends on the use...if you don't care about runtime, then get an aw imr 18650 and direct drive.
for the noname-cell i would prefer the regulated version. also if you want to have different modes. maybe nailbender can add some 7135's on top to put it up to over 3A.
It depends on the use...if you don't care about runtime, then get an aw imr 18650 and direct drive.
for the noname-cell i would prefer the regulated version. also if you want to have different modes. maybe nailbender can add some 7135's on top to put it up to over 3A.
I bought two drop-ins. One is a dual XP-G to be used as my primary light. The other is the SST-50 for "tactical" use so i want that one to be as bright as possible preferably with a single mode.

What is a 7135?
I just paid for a nailbender SST-50 drop in and i want this to be as bright as possible. The light will be using one 18650 2600mAh from Deal Extreme. Should i get it as a direct drive? Or 2.5A regulated?

First, please don't use a DX 18650. really:thumbsdow

Next; what is your hosts? is it a 6P?

Unless you are using NiMH C cells or a Fivemega hosts you need to stay away from Direct drive.
Plus, see the OTF lumens here:
Ive got the 2.5 reg 3 mode in a bored C2 and its
pretty darn bright... Id be surprised if you were disappointed
with it. Its got a HUGE hotspot.:cool:
Yes it is a SF 6P.

Can you please explain why i should stay away from direct drive?

Direct Drive = a lot of current. I got 5.68A at the tail with my 6P and IMR 18650. I do not feel safe using anything but IMR cells with those levels of current. Plus; I do not think the DX 18650's are made for 3~6A of current.

If you have a small hosts like the 6P more than 3A of current you will not see any increase in lumens just heat. I have yet to test a 12 or 15 watt P60 type light that makes impressive OTF lumens. I have seen 15 watt P60 style Fivemega 3C Hosts deliver awesome OTF numbers, but that is a huge light vs. the 6P plus those awesome numbers where done with Tenergy NiMH C 5000mAh cells not li-on or IMR cells.

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Thanks a lot for the information folks. I just messaged nailbender to change my order to a 2.5A regulated.

Ive got the 2.5 reg 3 mode in a bored C2 and its
pretty darn bright... Id be surprised if you were disappointed
with it.

Suprised yet? lol

I had the 2.5A version but sold it, now I have the single mode direct drive with a DX 25500 batt that stays under 4A and its very bright, brighter then my SST-90.