Nov 18, 2006
NJ /Oh / Fla
Any one know the name of the stick on diffuser with some kind of clear optical glue?I know you can jerry rig some stuff from Staples...But I remember talk about better stuff.

Any 1 remember? Any info would be great
I've used something somewhat similar. I had some leftover boxwave pda protector (don't buy it for flashlights, it's quite costly) in matte finish. Worked well to smooth my EOS Cree mod without killing too much throw.

Write right is worth a shot. I've heard frosty shelf paper is great, but I didn't want to pay $9 a roll since I don't intend to line my shelves...
Yes, WriteRight works fine. The trick is you have to get the older stuff that was made for monochrome screens. The product made for color screens does not give a very satisfactory result.

I doubt you will find any in retail office supply stores. Shop eBay for product made for the older PDA's.

It diffuses quite well, Nice Matte finish, this is the exact supply number of the old stuff, good transmission with nice diffusion. How can you go wrong with 12 sheets for 98 cents?
Looks interesting. Are you guys just cutting it with a razor blade to fit the lense? The heat from incans doesn't melt the adhesive?
I use Scotch Magic Tape, matte finish. Does a good job of diffusing, no glue needed, and reduces light output only about 10%. And it's cheap and available.

The write-rite is a very mild diffuser. It mostly just evens out the beam. Scotch tape is a stronger diffuser.

FASTCAR - if you PM me your address I'll send you a sheet.
if it hasn't been mentioned yet... glad press-n-seal works pretty good for this.. I had it on the front of my 35W HID for awhile using it as a worklamp out back.
Checked 4 places, satin scotch tape only comes in 1/2 or 3/4 inch..I would need like 1 inch and how to cut a perf circle never ends