Still using the SF U2?


Oct 18, 2004
Has anyone stopped using the SF U2 or will stop using it once the SF UA2 is available in a couple months? I still think it is a great light. Just curious if people thought it was inferior now that they know the UA2 is coming down the line.
Nah the U2 is still a great light!!
Has anyone stopped using the SF U2 or will stop using it once the SF UA2 is available in a couple months? I still think it is a great light. Just curious if people thought it was inferior now that they know the UA2 is coming down the line.
I don't have a U2, but here is something general to keep in mind that I often forget myself.

When the UA2 is out, the U2 doesn't suddenly stop performing! It'll perform as good after the UA2 release as it does right now, and continue to perform that way for the rest of your life (go go SureFire warranty!).

Now if I can only remember this when it applies directly to me...
The original U2 is not soon to be replaced I'd say, its such a nice compact design. IIRC, the UA2 is significantly larger than the original U2 (and the UB2 a bit larger than that) - I really wish they could have pulled these upgraded designs off in a similar sized package, but there are plenty of reasons why that was probably not possible.

Guess it all comes down to your criteria.
I don't plan on replacing my current U2. As great as the new light is, I usually use my U2 below Level 6 anyway. Also, the ability to use an 18650 is worth more than some added output to me.

Add in the fact that the new one will be close to $300, and I won't be able to justify it. My current U2 does the job I need it to do.
Mine's been modded with 4 Rebels, so I doubt it will be easily replaced when Surefire comes out with thier new products.

Course I'll need those too.....:devil:

Still use mine often. Favorite mid sized light.

Bright, good beam, great tint and best level selection yet.

Mine is an early one and lives on free 18650s, so a slightly lower runtime than a Cree light isn't much of an issue for me.

Mine's been modded with 4 Rebels, so I doubt it will be easily replaced when Surefire comes out with their new products.

Course I'll need those too.....:devil:


I'm right there with ya MSax....The UA2 is on my list, but owning a 500+ lumen U2 that runs on 18650's....the Invictus is not a priority.


For my size hand, the U2 has that perfect feel. Normally run on the first three or four levels, where a higher efficiency emitter is less important. One of Surefire's coolest lights ever:D
Mine's been modded with 4 Rebels, so I doubt it will be easily replaced when Surefire comes out with thier new products.

Course I'll need those too.....:devil:


Ditto - I LOVE my U2 now it has 4 Rebels in it! Great runtimes for good brightnesses (It's like 4 hours at ~ 125 lumens - Level 4 of the Modded U2, and 2.5 hours at ~ 250 lumens which is Level 5) The beam is great (basically a KL4 beam with throw) and colour reindition is amazing... A damn good light!
Still using the U2 with a Seoul mod. Good size, feel and level selection. I also like the loooong runtimes on lower levels. I work in an organization with multiple backups for power and lighting, so I don't need any torches, so I will definitely buy the UA2. And the UB2. Put out a UC2 and I'll buy that. Just PLEASE give me 18650 capability.
Note that although the UA2 is longer than the U2, it is actually slimmer.
For me the issue with the U2 and K2 has been the bezel width for EDC. I usually wear 5.11 gear so the pockets can handle length. However, wide bezels are less ideal.
Have preferred Luxeon V and really like the U2 selector for different levels!

Perhps run time could be better, yet with a Leef 19650 body and tail cap....this one is a keeper!!
I would appreciate it if you guy's with the U2x2's could tell me how the beam compares to stock....more flood, more spot or about the same.
What about the color of the Rebel's?
I have one at Milky's right now.
I have 3 of these and 2 of them use 18650's for great runtimes. I agree that this is a fantastic light and with the long runtimes on 18650's, I see no reason why these would be obsolete or unused for a long time to come.

One of mine, is just a crazy bright barn burner:twothumbs. On level 5, it is as bright as my other 2 are on level 6 and the other 2 are not slouches either.

I recently re-aquired some U2's as I had sold them off a little after the Cree and Seoul fever hit. I could not stand to be with out them.

My mind changes at various times about what lights are the best, but for a long time, nothing could touch the U2 except for the HD45.

I used mine tonight putting my sleeping bags and hiking gear away until the next trip.
I would appreciate it if you guy's with the U2x2's could tell me how the beam compares to stock....more flood, more spot or about the same.
What about the color of the Rebel's?
I have one at Milky's right now.

The beam is like a KL4 beam - very floody but because of the sheer output it has alot of throw also. The colour of the rebels - mine verge on a slight yellowish tint (VERY slight) but they give excellent colour reindition for an LED (the best I've had - and I've had alot!)
When the UA2 is out, the U2 doesn't suddenly stop performing! It'll perform as good after the UA2 release as it does right now, and continue to perform that way for the rest of your life (go go SureFire warranty!).

I WAS using my U2 still until I had to send it in for a repair issue. Surefire received it on February 21st, and here we are 6 weeks later.... and I still have no flashlight. Apparently they are still waiting for parts and do not know how long it will take. I'm not so sure a lifetime warranty is valuable if you have to wait what seems like a lifetime for the repair!
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