Streamlight ProPolymer Luxeon vs UK 4AA eLED


Mar 31, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Haven't bought a light for a few weeks, and was thinking of getting a plastic lux light of some description for general use - something tough so I don't worry about dropping, wetting or scratching it.

I've read the excellent reviews on both lights and can't decide. They're both inexpensive, well regulated, ugly /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif, and solid looking. I figure the UK has a lower output and longer run time.

Anyone here own either? Do either of them run OK off NiMH cells? Which has better throw?

Any recommendations appreciated. Gotta buy a light soon or the credit card might explode! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/broke.gif
Can't remember the reviews, but if what you say is correct, scudinc, it suggests he should get the ProPolymer because 4 times the throw means 16 times the brightness. That is, if the UK provides 1/16 the brightness but has only 4 times the run time of the ProPolymer, the ProPolymer would seem to give more overall oomph.

Of course, total lumen output depends on beam shape...yada, yada...and as you said, he should get both.
The beamshape of the UK (I have the Unilite version) is the widest of all my lights. It almost looks like the sidespill goes out 90 degrees to either side- this may explain lack of throw, although the hotspot isn't totally usless in the throw department.
Thanks for the replies folks. I thought about things a bit more and went and ordered the UK anyway /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif Although nerdgineer has got a point....

I'll let you know how it goes for throw and whether it can deal with NiMHs.
gadgetnerd said:
I thought about things a bit more and went and ordered the UK anyway /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'll let you know how it goes for throw and whether it can deal with NiMHs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good choice: I am satisfied with my UK. It is suficient to my needs, and I have heard you can buy an incandescent head for it (about $5) if you really need throw, plus the run time is good.
One thing I have yet to hear of is if someone has taken a UK2AA version, a eled head and use 2 3v AA lithium batteries (rechargable possibly). This would give you a click switch and smaller size with possible higher brightness if the voltage of the lithiums were not too high when new or freshly charged if using rechargables. It should work since there is a 2x123 lithium version using the same head, but I dont think that version has the switch on it.
Why shouldn't it run well? Just received my 4AA ProPolymer Luxeon and it works fine with NiMHs.