Streamlight Stinger HP beam


Newly Enlightened
Mar 11, 2007
I just got a Stinger HP and I'm not sure if the beam is right there are alot of dark spots. I also have a Surefire 9AN and I got used to that beam. The reason why I dont use the 9AN anymore is because of the cost to keep it up now I need a bulb and a bezel because my bulb exploded.
Being a variable focus beam, it probably won't equal your 9AN's beam quality. If focusing doesn't help, you may frost your bulb to improve things a bit.

Try your light outside. You probably won't notice much difference then.
as the pics show there is 2 different focus points. can you tell me what frosting is since i am new to this.
Welcome to CPF!

Have you called SureFire and told them about your damaged 9AN bezel?
(BTW, the bezel and Lamp Assembly together is called the R95)
Size15's said:
Welcome to CPF!

Have you called SureFire and told them about your damaged 9AN bezel?
(BTW, the bezel and Lamp Assembly together is called the R95)
thank you and no, i need new batteries for it and this is the 3rd bulb to explode and i had 2 that the wire for the main bulb disconnected so that is why i changed to the stinger
Can anyone tell me if this beam is correct. I seen maglites with less dark spots
I've only ever seen the "HP" models at Streamlight's booth at SHOT Shows. Your photos seem normal based on the individual products I've handled.
thanks for the info what is the best beam pic in your opinion 1 top right 2 btm left 3 mid
I have a work issued Stinger HP that I use every day and those beamshots look about right. I have mine focused to the tightest beam possible. You can focus the beam as much as you want, but it won't look as smooth as a SureFire incan. light, unless you frost the refelctor.

Have you told SureFire about all your problems with your 9AN? It might help you get a new bulb/bezel, or maybe even a new 9AN altogether.

You might also want to consider Pila or Wolf-Eyes incan. flashlights as a SureFire alternative.
The black spots are the parts that hold the actual filament. Anybody know what that part of the bulb is call? Filament arches? Filament posts?
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I dont have any idea how to frost anything. I would apreaciate any help. Can anyone tell me if it will reduce light output?
There is a product called "Armor Etch" or something similar that is available at hobby shops like the Hobby Lobby. You dip the bulb in it for a few seconds then wash it off. The stuff has a warning label a mile long, but is easy to use.

I had a Stinger XT HP and it was shadowed like that as well. I wound up giving it to my dad for a Christmas gift because he loves focusing lights and didn't like the surefire-type light outputs of fixed-focus assemblies.
That looks exactly like my beam. It doesn't bother me when I used it outdoors. Mine is always at the tightest focus anyways.
i just called surefire they want me to send everything back to them light, batteries, and charger. i guess they want to figure out what is going on. i even need to send the bulb that i had to re-solder the wires because of a disconnect.