An older light now but how are they? I've found two with one good battery, three cradles, and 7 extra LA for $50 I'm looking at buying. Seems very fair. What is the wattage of the bulb? I presume around 6V and 2A?
You mean a 6 cell incandescent mag? I'd say it throws a lot better. Little brighter as well. It's a narrower beam then the mag. Like I say I really like mine. It doesn't come close to what you can get with a mag led you have anything to compare to? Like a 6 cell mag? I think this should be a bit brighter. I find a 6 cell mag very bright
Incand UltraStingerWhat is the wattage of the bulb? I presume around 6V and 2A?
As I mentioned earlier,btw the nimh should be fully charged then taken off charge.
they dont like trickle charging.
They don't want you be surprised with drained battery 3~4 weeks after removed from fully charged.But the stream light website specifically says that it's best for the battery to keep it in the charger when not in use