Stupid people


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
Sign in here don't calls others stupid I'll start as I age many days I do something and trully latter think what in the world is wrong with me..I'd like to say I was smarter when I was younger but I way a dumb person then to I need one of them I'm with stupid tshirts that points up.
Last week I look down I noticed I had 2 shoes on well that's ok but they wasnt the same pair of was one of each
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To keep it flashlight related many days I pick up a zebra flashlight thinking what is wrong with it till I notice I'm using like a anduril light or vice versus. Also I always check the mail 2 minutes before it arrives
I think we start off thinking we know everything and call others stupid. Then we get smarter when we learn how dumb we really are. Once we're wise enough to not be stupid anymore, we start losing our minds. Here's some wisdom for the young: Treat your elders with respect. They've forgotten more than you'll ever know.
I think we start off thinking we know everything and call others stupid. Then we get smarter when we learn how dumb we really are. Once we're wise enough to not be stupid anymore, we start losing our minds. Here's some wisdom for the young: Treat your elders with respect. They've forgotten more than you'll ever know.
I kind of disagree here. I remember once in high school a girl got annoyed with me because I answered a lot of her questions with "I don't know". She says to me "you don't know anything". Meanwhile I was the person most of my classmates came to for help, her included sometimes. I was willing to admit when I didn't know something even when I was 14. I still do. And I generally won't join any conversation where I don't know much about the subject matter. I'll just stay on the sidelines and listen, perhaps ask a question or two if I'm really curious.

It seems to me anyway the people who know the least are generally the ones who act like they know everything. Politicians are especially in this category. Most of them couldn't get real jobs, so they take a job where all they have to do is show up for photo-ops, or tell people what they want to hear.

My paternal grandfather had a great saying on this subject: God must have loved stupid people because he created so many of them.
I'm also pretty sure I've been knocking on door wrong my entire life .I use my knuckles this can't be right
It doesn't look like stupidity, it's more like some kind of memory disorder, like Alzheimer's. It happens to me occasionally lately. For example, I need to take a pill in the morning, but I eat, pack and get dressed, leave the house, and only on the way I remember that the pill was left on the table. Or I was going to read a certain book and forgot about it.

Stupidity is carelessly walking next to heavy equipment

I agree about politicians. They confuse making announcements with actually doing something to fix a problem. The stupidity is that they think we fall for it. Beyond a certain age, I've seen it all before. Even worse, both sides promise much the same thing but then argue ferociously about it.
What's stupid is we keep voting for them.

I overheard someone tell another person "You aren't the dumbest person on earth, but you better hope nothing happens to the guy that is."
Calling oneself or others stupid is just plain wrong!

Having worked special education for years, there are all kinds of circumstances with people that are not their fault. Fetal alcohol syndrome is such a heartbreaking tragedy. Autistic spectrum folks did not make the choice to be who they are. (Some of them are quite smart in certain ways). Taking damaging illicit drugs early in life may have been a result of the home life they were brought up in.

Like Chance, I too have done some stupid stuff, but it helps no one to say he and I are stupid.
I've been called stupid thru my life if I call my self stupid it takes the power from those who call me the name. id get insulted id say thank you and add to there insult.
It was ironic when year's latter they asked me to fix there cars there HVAC or computers . I told them no . Becuase I rather starve then help them lol