Super mag 6D (please help a newbie!)


Newly Enlightened
Jul 26, 2007
Perth, Australia
Ok I've been trying to get a few options for modding a mag 6D. I'm only recently back to CPF :wave: and I have not modded lights before, so I'm a bit useless when it comed to options and what they mean.

I'm not just after throw and I would ideally like a medium spot with some good spill that will run for 1-2 hours (I can live with less runtime on rechargeables). I'm just after retina scorching brighness that has a decent runtime. Two levels of brighness would be even better (but I guess, much harder)

Can some of you more enlightened people please comment on my options below and help me wrap my head around what would be the best way to go, for result and ease of completion? :naughty:

Opt 1. Terralux TLE 6EX with rechargeable D's (I only have alkalines atm)

Opt 2. WWOT Lux-V (no idea?)

Opt 3. Pelican #3854 ROP bulb (running on rechargeables?)

Opt 4. Westinghouse 35W (runs on 1/2 D's or sub C's?)

Opt 5. Philips 5761 (no idea?)

Opt 6. SSC, heatsink and driver (bit more difficult for a modding newb)

Opt 7. Osram 100W 62138, 64625, 64623 with 10 1/2 D's

Opt 8. 50W 64610 with 10 1/2 D's

Opt 9. Six 3-die Rebel arrays, each with its own reflector and regulator (no idea?)


Also I guess I will need a borofloat (sp?) lens and new reflector for almost all of these?

Any help would be great :twothumbs
I'm not very good with LEDs but if you want a "SUPER" mag 6D you'll may need to look into incan:thumbsup: (opt:3,4,5,7,8)

the most powerful opt is the number 10 and it is a quite simple mod (like 4,5 and 8)
you need:
- a mag 6D :)nana:)
- a metal reflector (if you want a good compromise throw/lateral spill I suggest a MPO) with a special hole becouse all osram 100W bulbs are big lamps
- a borolens
- a KIU high temp socket (I think that KIU doesn't sell them any more, so you may need to ask in b/s/t )
-10 1/2 D nimh batteries
-battery charger
if you want more runtime and less power you can buy a 75, 50, 35, 20W bulbs and run them in the same flashlight.

the ROP mod is very simply:
-ROP bulbs set (HIGH/LOW)
-metal reflector
-borolens or UCL
-6X"D" nimh batteries (I suggest some 11000mah)
-battery charger

if you want more lumen than the ROP HIGH but less then the osram bulbs you can run the philips 5761 with the same same set up for the ROP but with 5761 bulb and Fivemega's socket

unfortunately I don't know the Westinghouse 35W so you must listen some other suggestions...
