Sure are a lot of...


Sep 27, 2006
San Jose, CA
brand new in box SF A2's going up for sale for $135-$150

What a coincidence. Sportsman's Warehouse put 'em at some ungodly sale in the last two weeks.

I dont mean just on CPF, I mean *everywhere* on the web.

Sad to know there are folks out there who would fleece their fellow hobbyists.

I don't think it's 'fleecing' at all. First, we'll assume a majority of these new A2s are Sportsman's Warehouse lights. I borrowed the following from a closed sale post down in the CPFMP:

Flashlight - $97.49
Tax - $8.09
Paypal's 3% - $3.17
Shipping via USPS Flat Rate - 8.95
Total - $117.70

So if the seller sold the A2 for 130, he's "making" $12.31. But there's still the fuel and wear on his vehicle to drive to the store, and then his time spent dealing with the crowd and salespeople is also worth something.

Personally, I don't have a problem with it. I live 200~ miles from the nearest Sportsman's Warehouse, so I have no way of taking advantage of the super sale. Even at $130.00, that's still a lot cheaper than I could buy a brand new A2 for a couple of weeks ago. So what if the seller "made a profit" on the light. I still got a good deal, so it seems to me like everybody wins. :party:
I don't think it's 'fleecing' at all. First, we'll assume a majority of these new A2s are Sportsman's Warehouse lights. I borrowed the following from a closed sale post down in the CPFMP:

Flashlight - $97.49
Tax - $8.09
Paypal's 3% - $3.17
Shipping via USPS Flat Rate - 8.95
Total - $117.70

So if the seller sold the A2 for 130, he's "making" $12.31. But there's still the fuel and wear on his vehicle to drive to the store, and then his time spent dealing with the crowd and salespeople is also worth something.

Personally, I don't have a problem with it. I live 200~ miles from the nearest Sportsman's Warehouse, so I have no way of taking advantage of the super sale. Even at $130.00, that's still a lot cheaper than I could buy a brand new A2 for a couple of weeks ago. So what if the seller "made a profit" on the light. I still got a good deal, so it seems to me like everybody wins. :party:

I was under the impression the deals were 50% off or more. If what you state is the case, then I shall retract my statement. Your scenario does not bother me at all.
DT's right. I got a red one for $97 and change. It took me 2 trips and a phone call to finally get this price! Round trip for me was about 50 miles each.
$97.50 is half of what SureFire's price is. Check their website. Even at $130-150 that is a great price.

EDIT: kelmo beat me to it
yea, there should be a law that makes it illegal for anyone to generate profit, and another law that taxes all income at 90% so we can redistribute the wealth to a hot-pocket-donut munching lazy video-game playing jobless obese humanoid.
Hey now, he said he would retract his statement if DT was right. DT basically spelled out what is happening, and he was fine with that, so I don't really know why this thread was started in the first place...

EDIT: I'm not trying to act like I know whats right and whats wrong, just trying to give the benefit of the doubt. If yall were just playing around then ingore my whole post...
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Hehe...that was my specifc A2 sale, in fact.

Now, I will state this - I bought the A2's knowing that I was going to pass them at cost to fellow CPF'ers.

I also got "stuck" with two Kromas that I ended up selling at cost. Some non-CPF'ers reneged on the deal, so fellow CPF'ers were able to bring up the slack and buy them off of my hands.

So - it was my choice to sell it at cost (plus actual fees). However, it does bother me that others are trying to capitalize on the misfortune that their potential buyers don't live near a Sportsman's Warehouse.

I don't begrudge someone else making money. I broke even (and I shop all the time at Sportsman's Warehouse, so that's no big deal running to there) and that was my intent - to have others enjoy one of SureFire's better designed flashlights.

eBaying them - that's market driven. If someone is intelligent enough to know what retail is and get it at a reduced price, bravo for them. I pass up on eBay deals all the time because I know what I'm willing to pay for versus what the market masses drive the prices up to.

However, knowing that there was a flood of Aviators out there recently, really should drive the overall price downward.

Even at the "Reduced" price and that the seller may be making a small profit, it's still a good deal.


I don't think it's 'fleecing' at all. First, we'll assume a majority of these new A2s are Sportsman's Warehouse lights. I borrowed the following from a closed sale post down in the CPFMP:

Flashlight - $97.49
Tax - $8.09
Paypal's 3% - $3.17
Shipping via USPS Flat Rate - 8.95
Total - $117.70

So if the seller sold the A2 for 130, he's "making" $12.31. But there's still the fuel and wear on his vehicle to drive to the store, and then his time spent dealing with the crowd and salespeople is also worth something.

Personally, I don't have a problem with it. I live 200~ miles from the nearest Sportsman's Warehouse, so I have no way of taking advantage of the super sale. Even at $130.00, that's still a lot cheaper than I could buy a brand new A2 for a couple of weeks ago. So what if the seller "made a profit" on the light. I still got a good deal, so it seems to me like everybody wins. :party:
$90.40 for me. One time deal from a great fellow.
If I really wanted it $130.00 isn't so bad really. I personally am just glad to see more A2's in the hands of users.
$130 is a good price for a new A2, IMO. Anything below $100 is a sensational price, even for a used one.
Well, nobody seems to complain when they go to Target and drop $25 on a River Rock headlamp that probably cost Target less than $10. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with selling for a profit. If you don't like the price an item is selling for, don't buy it. That simple.

I do, however, commend those who were looking out for their fellow CPF'rs and passed on some great lights at their cost. That was a wonderful gesture.
yea, there should be a law that makes it illegal for anyone to generate profit, and another law that taxes all income at 90% so we can redistribute the wealth to a hot-pocket-donut munching lazy video-game playing jobless obese humanoid.

I'm pretty sure that Hillary Clinton has used those exact words... ;)
brand new in box SF A2's going up for sale for $135-$150

What a coincidence. Sportsman's Warehouse put 'em at some ungodly sale in the last two weeks.

I dont mean just on CPF, I mean *everywhere* on the web.

Sad to know there are folks out there who would fleece their fellow hobbyists.


Every time someone finds a deal and resells lights, there is ALWAYS someone who carps about it. This is a GOOD deal on these lights. And the seller is taking HIS time and HIS resources to bring it to us. If he makes a few bucks on them, good on him! But after the hassle and buying them basically on spec, I think he is making, if anything at all, not nearly enough to offset his time and trouble. Especially with people berating him for it. An apology is in order I think.
I'm pretty sure that Hillary Clinton has used those exact words... ;)

<moderator hat ON>This is a forum for discussing flashlights. Please do not bring up politics except as they relate to flashlights.

Thanks.<moderator hat OFF>

I'm going to have to agree with MikeLip on this one, although I think the apology was already made in the OP's 2nd post.
There are sellers on the Marketplace who regularly come up with Surefire lights NIB and somehow are able to sell them well below retail. Nobody questions their integrity. There is no outrage when a custom light is flipped at a profit.

This is a boon for both buyer and seller. Who cares if a seller makes $30-$40 on a light. Seller went through the effort, laid out their cash or credit and put them out on the market. They have labor, transportation and shipping involved. They took some risk and are hoping for a reward. If you've been watching the threads the free market is working just fine. Pricing for these started at around $140ish and now are down to $120ish. So a dude makes $30 on a light. He gets a night out of pizza and beer and the Buyer saves $65.

Maybe the Buyer should send additional funds to the Seller knowing that this is such a screaming unfair deal to get a Surefire at such a low price?
Every time someone finds a deal and resells lights, there is ALWAYS someone who carps about it. This is a GOOD deal on these lights. And the seller is taking HIS time and HIS resources to bring it to us. If he makes a few bucks on them, good on him! But after the hassle and buying them basically on spec, I think he is making, if anything at all, not nearly enough to offset his time and trouble. Especially with people berating him for it. An apology is in order I think.

I will not apologize to anyone since I did not single anyone out, and I even mentioned the fact that it's going on all over the internet, not just here.

Whoever thinks I'm referring to any single solitary person needs to go back to grade school for reading comprehension.

I'm still trying to figure out who the "him" is I'm berating.

BTW, I just recently bought a SW sale A2 from a CPF member. After being "shown the light" I said I was wrong, so come off it already.

I swear, the human race thrives on drama for some reason...I, however, refuse to be dragged in to it.