Surefire 9P and C3 (P90 & P91) Question


Newly Enlightened
Apr 10, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Hi All,

I have an SF 9P and an SF C3 (among others) with the P90 and P91 globes respectively. The other night I was using my C3 and I noticed that it wasn't as bright as normal, so I naturally changed batteries. The light was still not quite right. I then got out my 9P for a comparision, and it was a lot brighter than the C3, even though the C3 had the HOLA. I did some more testing by swapping the batteries, and still got the same results. I also put in the P90 into the C3 and compared the two, with the P9 still being brighter. The P9 is significantly brighter than my C3, even when it has the LOLA. The light produced is much larger in the centre, with a much brighter colour to it. Can anyone shed some light on this problem? (sorry about the pun:sigh:) I love both the P9 and C3 and would like to know what is happening.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I have tried swapping batteries to no avail. I will try to get some photos happening too.
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I am guessing Telemeister but it almost sounds like a contact problem, I would get a Deoxit / Progold kit and try cleaning it. About $15 from Jaycar so it is not a big expense if it doesn't fix it and is always a good step. Then again you just may have a perfect super 9P :)

Edit did you try swapping batteries between the units?
Okay, here is a picture with both of them (sorry for the dodgy quality!!). The Palm Tree on the left (FYI - Canary Island Date Palm) is approximately 24 metres away. It is lit by the 9p with the LOLA (105 lumens). To the right of that is a Campher Laurel, lit by the C3 with the HOLA (200 lumens). The trees are approximately the same distance away, but the 9P is massively brighter. Any hints.

Is it new? That is so bad I would send it back to Surefire or the dealer you bought it from. Frustrating when you get problems like these.

Edit I am happy to lend you a WE Raider (similar to 9P) to try batteries, lamps in to try to get to the bottom of this between 3 units so you can isolate the problem. I wonder if it is one of the problem tailcaps?
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It is pretty much brand new I purchased it from a US website on the 29th of March and received it around the 6th - so it is very new. I have used it a few times and this wasn't a problem. I haven't run it constantly, nor have I strobed it - just normal use. In fact, when I purchased it, I took a photo to show a friend. This is a picture of the same palm tree using the C3 with HOLA. The photo was taken the night I received the flashlight. I have changed the batteries once - but when I changed them, the light came back to full power. I am using Panasonic CR123s - and have also tried the Surefire ones; just in case.

It does seem there is something wrong compared to your 9P. You could try the exact batteries and lamp straight from the C3 into the 9P and see if the 9P is dimmer. If it isn't dimmer that isolates it as the body continuity or the tailcap, then try working from there. I have a feeling if it is one of those your light may be taking a holiday overseas for a while.

You are more than welcome to borrow a Raider to help in this, though another C3 would be better, I don't imagine you know any Surefire dealers in Aus?
This doesnt sound normal. Theres nothing much that can go wrong with the P series other then LA, battery and as Glen stated it could be a contact problem. If you've already tried swapping around LA's, you could also try the tailcap from your 9P on the C3. I would definitely give SureFire a call, don't bother emailing as calling results in a much quicker resolve.

I know of 2 SureFire dealers in Sydney, Ken Max, and Jason from JPT.

Okay, I think I may have narrowed down the problem. I tried a number of combinations to try and work out exactly what was wrong. When I put the P90 assembly in the C3 and the P91 in the 9P, the C3 was the brighter, so it seems the problem is either with the connection between the batteries and the lamp assembly, or the lamp assembly itself. I do not understand why this suddenly happened though - I've only had it for a month and I certainly haven't dropped it.

Any suggestions?
Check the bulb. What does it look like? I had a P61 that turned purple after second set of batteries. If it is white or purple, there is a leak and more than likely surefire will replace it for you.
The bulb is the same age as the light (1 month or so). I had a look at the globe, and it is neither white nor purple. It looks exactly like the P90.
It's the HOLA, the P91. It is shot. Mine wasn't used alot, but I did use two LiIon's with it for awhile and now the bulb is dark and output is way down. The LiIon's ruined mine because the 9 volt HOLA's don't like to be driven that hard. Your problem, unless you used LiIon's with the HOLA, is different. Contact Surefire
I contacted Surefire yesterday and they are going to send me a new lamp assembly. They were very quick with their reply, and easy to deal with.
lol, good luck with that, they told me they are sending me a z41-ha .................. its been over 12 months :poof:

You seem to imply that any replacements sent as a result of contacting SureFire customer service will take such a long time. This is clearly not the case, as I and many others have received parts quickly after contact was made. I am also based outside of the US, so it is not simply a case of those in other countries receiving poor treatment.

The fact that your replacement has been delayed does in no way suggest that this will be the case for Telemeister.
