Surefire G2 vs G3 LED


Dec 18, 2004
Massachusetts, USA
Surefire website lists the G2-LED as:
Max Output: 80 lumens
Runtime: 12 hours

and the G3-LED as:
Max Output: 80 lumens
Runtime: 9.42 hours

That makes no sense to me - why is the G3 same brightness as G2 and less run time?
Great question!

The 12 hours for the G2L is total time (regulated+drop off=total).
The G2L is in the area of 3 to 4 hours regulated then drops off, with the drop off counted. (unfair and inflated rate we all know)
The G3L is 5.8 hours regulated then drops off.
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Most likely what happened is that SureFire didn't update the specs for the G2 LED. 12 hours for the G2 LED probably means 12 hours of useable light. The G2 LED probably gets somewhere around 4 hours at "tactical" output (which for Surefire means around 80 to 50 lumens, or so).

The stated runtime for the G3, 9.42 hours, is probably how long the G3 runs at tactical output, with the total runtime most likely being in excess of 12 hours.

Hope this helps.

Edit: Arrgh a little too slow, Techmedic beat me to the answer. Oh well.