SureFire M3 LED Question?


Sep 13, 2003
I would guess that nobody except our "Dear Leader" PK knows the answer to this question, but I thought I would ask any way. I know he reads these boards because he answered one of my questions before. (Yes Virginia, there really is a GREAT Wizard of Fountain Valley) Maybe lightning will strike twice. Then again, maybe AL/Size15s will just answer this. I am going to sit in this pumpkin patch and wait for an answer from PK or Al or the Wizard of Oz or the Great Pumpkin or somebody.

Is there any chance the soon to be released (I can dream can't I?) SF M3 LED and M3 LED turbo head wil run off 12 volts also? I would love to put one on my M4. Will this be a marketing decision instead of engineering?
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I really like Surefire and think that their products are great but for the price of the M3 Turbohead Upgrade alone that puts out 125 lumens for 60 mins, you could buy the Jetbeam M1X (which I must say looks just like the M3T!) a complete light which puts out 450 torch lumens for 100 mins and have money left over to buy a bunch of 123A batteries!:thumbsup:

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