Surefire... Quick Question


Oct 29, 2007
I don't have any Surefires (yet), but I'm looking at the one that the NRA offers shown here:

I saw a past reference where it was a G2Z, but I'm not that sure of that, so I was hoping one of our resident Surefire "experts" could tell exactly which model the NRA Combat Light is.
The similar light offered by the NRA in black is plainly marked as a C2 Centurian, but I'm not that sure the one linked above is the same model.

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I found 2 C2's on the NRA website.

One in black, and one in HA.

The clip on the body gives it away... the other 2 cell combat lights Surefire makes do not have clips on them, also the combat grip (at least on photos) looks a bit different.

The only Surefire's I could find on the NRA website were the 6P (gray and black) and C2 (HA and Black)

If you goto the "specials" page on Surefire's website you will find the NRA Defender (E2D) and the NRA G2Z
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I found 2 C2's on the NRA website.

One in black, and one in HA.

The clip on the body gives it away... the other 2 cell combat lights Surefire makes do not have clips on them, also the combat grip (at least on photos) looks a bit different.

The only Surefire's I could find on the NRA website were the 6P (gray and black) and C2 (HA and Black)

If you goto the "specials" page on Surefire's website you will find the NRA Defender (E2D) and the NRA G2Z

Thank you, that clears it up a bit.
So basically, there are several different NRA models offered, but there's just a little confusion because the actual models aren't necessarily specified in the ads.

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