Your G2L will light up at its brightest each time you turn it on after several minutes in between uses. If you let it run the output will drop quite a bit if you have the Nitralon head. The Aluminnum head will be more forgiving in this aspect. I would suggest that the run time will be a little shorter with intermittant use than if left on constantly. The LED will be more efficient when only on for a few minutes, drawing full spec current, this for the Nitralon head version. If left on for extended periods of time the heat sensor will drop the output and lower the current to the Led which would allow for longer regulated runtime at a reduced output. The aluminum head version of the G2L will maintain its full output longer, and intermittant use runtime will be similiar to full on run time, though I must add, even the AL head version will drop output when extremely hot.
So, if you have a G2L with Nitralon head and full on runtime in regulation (mostly full output) is about 3 hours, then the intermittent use may result in runtime, when added up, of less than three hours. If you use the aluminum head version and the runtime is 2 hours in regulation then intermittent total time in regulation will be about 2 hours, probably a little more.
Yes, it will be bright for a considerable time, each turn on.
More than I intended to say.