Wasn't satisfied with some of the idiosyncrasies of the McC2S, and sold it.
Today I got the AW soft-start, and put it in the Z41-HA I'd stripped for the other switch. Installed that on a C2L-HA with a Malkoff M60WLF, and it works great. Makes a buzzing noise, especially on low and medium, but I can only hear it if the light is close to my ear.
The current draw is normally 270mA.
With the switch it is:
Low 100mA
Med 180mA
High 280mA
A little higher on the Low and Medium than I expected, since 30% and 60% would be 81 and 162mA, respectively.
I'd rather have something like 20 and 40% for those modes, but can't complain. The difference in output is more noticeable on an incan, like the switch was designed for.
Also tried it on a SF/Leef "M4" with a LF HO-M3T on 2x18650. I had the impression that it just wasn't quite as bright on high as with a stock Z41, so I just checked everything on the incan as well.
Current draw is normally 1.95A
With the switch it is:
Low 750mA
Med 1.2A
High 1.75A
Wonder what's going on there?
Anyway, I really like the fact that the modes go in order of output, that the strobe is available but "hidden" so it doesn't interfere with normal use, and that it's just a pushbutton(I was expecting a reverse clickie after reading there was no momentary).
I was ready to find something that I didn't like about the switch, and even composed a FS thread ahead of time so I could immediately sell it in that case, but this is a keeper for me.
The low mode will see a lot of use, and the memory feature is very convenient.