I just received a TerraLUX TLE-6EX Ministar 5 from BatteryJunction for use in my old Mag 6D. BatteryJunction lists it as an SSC P4 U bin LED. The LED's color is VERY blue, annoyingly so to me.
My question: Is this very blue color normal in these units?
A couple of months ago, I bought two of the Terralux TLE-6EXB's for my two Mag-3D cell lights. The only difference between what you bought and what I did is the regulation that makes them compatible with either 2to3 cells (what I have) and 4to6 cells (yours).
The LEDs used in each are the same.
I found that both of mine were nice and white, with one of them being just a smidgeon cooler than the other if held in a side by side comparison.
When used separately, I can't tell the difference, and neither is anywhere near "blue". To me, they are nice and white and turned my two 3-D's into damn fine lights.
So if your's really is an objectionable blue, I'd suggest contacting the seller and seeing if they will exchange it for another.
I personally came to this forum with my only experience of LED lights being that of a few years ago when
every LED light was !!blue!!
I hated that, and after actually buying one of those blue things (an Inova X5), I gave up looking at any LED light again until I stumbled upon this forum. (I still have that X5, and maybe things at Inova have changed, but I'll never buy another Inova product again because of my "blue" experience with that one product).
But I digress...
What I'm getting at is that I don't think we have to accept blue LED's anymore, and the sooner we (as consumers) stand fast and quit accepting them, the sooner that vendors will quit trying to shove them down our throats.
With the LED's available today that are bright and white, I don't think we should go back to blue.
Ok... rant mode off (I get ticked off everytime I glance at that X5 just sitting on a shelf; hence the rant.
