The Bear Light *Now with beamshots*


May 8, 2007
I built this light to take with me while camping, I needed something really bright with lots of throw to light up the forest around me to check for whatever critters may be around:candle:, mainly bears. Hence the name, The Bear Light. It started off as a 2D Pewter Maglite which I bored out to accomodate 8AA NiMH batteries with a brake hone :sick2: which took forever. Then I made my own heatsink to accommodate 4 cree Q5 WC out of copper and aluminum. I know I know, I isolated the metals so they dont react with eachother.:duh2: It is a copper surface with an aluminum core about 3/8" thick, I thought the copper might help with heat transfer. I also made my own battery holder out of copper, stainless and ABS plastic that bypasses the tailspring and has a direct negative path to the drivers for less resistance. It ends up being two series sets of 4 NiMh in parallel for capacity and a total of 4.8V to keep the drivers in full regulation. Each LED gets its own driver, I used the 1.4A 7135 based boards from DX, four in all. Since the drivers are sucking about 6A from the batteries:eek:, I took the stock switch apart, polished all the contacts and used Deoxit on all contact points. So far, its held up great with no issues after about 4 hours of total use. I used an optic from DX that actually fits really well and makes a great pattern. The hotspot is really nice, with no rings around it. I also covered the surface of the heatsink with "white" glow powder from Glow Inc mixed with epoxy 330. It glows more of a cool blue color, but still looks neat and provides a surprising amount of light when it glows. Topping it all off is UCL glass from Kai and one of Kiu's bezels. Best of all, this thing is BRIGHT! Compared to my P7 @3.3A, its slightly brighter when doing a ceiling bounce test. I figure it should be about 921 lumens:D out the front (Q5 @ 1.4A is~288Lm. 288*4=1152 bulb lumens, 1152*.8=921 lumens. The optics are 85-90% efficient+the UCL is around 97% efficient so being on the safe side, 80% total effeciency seems about right?). It gets pretty warm after continuous use, but never too hot to hold. There actually is some heat coming out the front which surprised me, if you press it up against a black plastic garbage bag, it actually heats and softens the plastic but doesnt burn through it:(. I may end up changing the LEDs out for R2 WG bin, just for some better color. No beamshots yet, but soon. All in all it took me about 10 hours to make but I had a lot of fun making it, well except for boring it out...but the rest was fun!:thumbsup:


Update: :devil:
I finally got to take beamshots today, I put it up against a few lights...
All measurements are from Google maps. Camera was a Canon EOS 20D on a tripod with remote shutter release, white balance set to daylight, ISO 200, 2 second exposure. The first set is at f4, second at f4.5 (not sure why I changed it)

First up, its 230ft to the left palm tree, and 44ft to the corner of the fence.
Control Shot:

Fenix TK10

Mag P7 @3.3A

24w HID

Bear Light

Next, its 221 ft to the tree in the center, 74ft to the tree just to the right of center, and 47ft to the gate on the wooden fence. More lights this time.


NovaTac 120P on high

Fenix TK10

TLS head with R2 WG

Raidfire Spear

P7 Mag

24w HID

Bear Light
Last edited:
Re: The Bear Light

I've assembled a few lights of my own using some of the parts you mention but none look as good as yours :)

I believe Milky would be happy to ship your creation.

Regards, Walt.
Re: The Bear Light

The heat from the front is from your skin or what ever the light shines in absorbing some of the light and making it into heat.

From this post, your numbers seem a bit high, but 900 lumen out the front sounds reasonable.

Nice mod!

Any beamshots?
Re: The Bear Light

That's a sharp looking mod. Well done :thumbsup:

I'm curious about the heat coming out the front. There shouldn't be any. Even at obscene drive levels, the only heat should be coming out the backside on the slug.
Re: The Bear Light

That's a sharp looking mod. Well done :thumbsup:

I'm curious about the heat coming out the front. There shouldn't be any. Even at obscene drive levels, the only heat should be coming out the backside on the slug.

I can feel heat coming from any LED light, stock or modded, optic or reflector.

Energy (light) is being absorbed by the skin. Increase in (average molecular kinetic) energy of a mass = increase in temperature.

For this light, it should be about .16W/cm^2. This is on the high side.
Re: The Bear Light

The heat from the front is from your skin or what ever the light shines in absorbing some of the light and making it into heat.

From this post, your numbers seem a bit high, but 900 lumen out the front sounds reasonable.

Nice mod!

Any beamshots?

Thats a great post! I'll have to keep that chart handy for the future. The only one I could find at that drive level was on KD, so thats what I used for reference. Beamshots will come, right now its storming outside and I've been too busy using it to take any beamshots. Oops!
Re: The Bear Light

That's a sharp looking mod. Well done :thumbsup:

I'm curious about the heat coming out the front. There shouldn't be any. Even at obscene drive levels, the only heat should be coming out the backside on the slug.

Thanks for the compliment! I was surprised about the heat too, So I checked some of my other lights too. I found that your lips seem to be the most sensitive to heat (not a joke), and holding your lights near them you can feel the heat from most lights. I can feel it from my P60L even. Give it a try!
Re: The Bear Light

That's a sharp looking mod. Well done :thumbsup:

I'm curious about the heat coming out the front. There shouldn't be any. Even at obscene drive levels, the only heat should be coming out the backside on the slug.

You are aware that LEDs still generate ir. Ir is the heat you're getting from the front. If people don't believe me get an ir filter and your cell phone cam. You'll see it.
Re: The Bear Light

You are aware that LEDs still generate ir. Ir is the heat you're getting from the front. If people don't believe me get an ir filter and your cell phone cam. You'll see it.

I just tried it using night vision goggles :devil: There is a tiny bit of IR so that explains the warmth.
Re: The Bear Light

I just tried it using night vision goggles :devil: There is a tiny bit of IR so that explains the warmth.

Yep a tiny tiny bit (compared to incans and HIDs). It's this IR that we feel. I can't remember from bio or physics whether or not we can feel visible light, perhaps if it's a large enough amount.
Re: The Bear Light

Very cool creation and execution :twothumbs

As to the Lumens, remember that the actual lumens for LED's is lower due to heat de-rating. In other words, Q5 @ 1.4A is~288Lm is not "exactly" true, since it is dependent on the temperature on the die. LED output is done at some standard temp like 25C or something similar (each vendor is different) and that is done on a controlled environment. Even if you had just one emiter (and not 4) the heat generated as the LED runs will definitely climb past 25C - more so with 4 emiters. Basically the longer the light runs, the lower the lumens up to the equilibrium point ;)
Re: The Bear Light

Nice mod and nice picture as well! :twothumbs
I'm anxious to see the beamshots. :whistle:
Can you point us to the optic used in this light? :)
Re: The Bear Light

How inspiring, ambientmind! Looks wonderful, and no doubt performs well. The four regulator boards, are they heatsinked? Bravo on a job well done! Jeff O.
Re: The Bear Light

Yes, the boads are heatsinked to the body of the flashlight, they get pretty warm on a fresh charge. I have one of these in an other flashlight thats not heatsinked, and its holding up well so far. They seem bretty durable. Here is the optic I jused:
it fits the crees really well, its almost hard to get the optic off of them! Also, don't touch any part of it but the sides with your hands, its almost impossible to get fingerprints off of it! I messed one up by getting fingerprints and glow powder on it....:oops:
Re: The Bear Light

How do you feel the optic compares to reflectors? I was thinking of a 4 cree build soon and a 5 dollar optic sounds economical, but I want throw!
Nice job by the way.

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