The "Chimera" A Twin Head 2x 18650 EDC, Pictures Included, Member List Added:


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 19, 2008
Ambler P.A.
The "Chimera" A Twin Head 2x 18650 EDC, Pictures Included, Member List Added:

I am looking to build an EDC that uses 2x 18650 batts.
The basic dimensions would be 3 3/4in long, 2in wide,
and about 7/8in thick. It will probably resemble the
007 in shape, but different in artwork and design.
I have a great respect for Data, and his work, and not
wanting to "Copy" his design.. That would be WRONG
in every sense of the word:poke::shakehead

That being said..
The features would include, in no particular order:

Twin Reflectors in the front for 2 seperate led modules
with thier respecting reflectors. This would allow you to
swap different led combos around, Ie, Ultraviolet for
forensic work, and maybe a high powered green led for
blood trailing.. Or maybe, Twin MCE Quad Die/P7's
for maximum output for a short time.. The possibilities
would be endless with this setup becuase you can swap
around so many different led modules. They would slide
in from the side sort of how a gun-scope slide mount
works, but it will be flush with the body in the front.
^^^ That idea was canned for complexity sake^^^
I will be using a screw-on head design instead.:grin2:
I will make up some Solidworks Drawings soon for show
and tell.

The driver would have 2 independant channels to control
the 2 seperate led modules.. This would allow you to run
one or both of the leds at a time, or even omit the
second one and slide in a blank to cover the hole.
Think of a "SLR Camera Hotshoe" for the style of slide-in
connection for the led modules. This would allow for lots
of different options besides leds.. Ie, being able to
control the light from a rifle/handgun grip switch.
The connections would be Completely waterproof and
all contacts would be stainless steel for rust resistance.
The led modules would also be thermally connected
to the body of the light by means of a silicone thermal
pad similar to what is used in Computer Cpu's.

There would also be a bettery meter not unlike the ones
i use in my maglights that i previously sold...
pics are here for the batt meter:
I will prob inlay the battery meter window in a glass,
sapphire, or some sort of gem.. but not diamond!
no epoxy will be used in this build, even though
it looks nice in the mags i had, this is NOT a Mag!

Controls will be placed on the larger part of the light.
That is the big flat area you see when you set it down
on its "Belly". I will be using Inlayed push-buttons
like what your microwave has on its front panel.
They will still have a Tactic Feel, but will have a very
long-lasting and durable switch behind it. The inlay
for the buttons will have a metal surround like a picture
frame to hold it in the light. 4 screws, one on each
corner.. The panel will be about 1in by 1.5in in size
that is machined into the body. And the driver-board
will be sitting directly below it inside the light, between
the 18650's. The driver will be about 1/4in wide and
about 1/2 tall to accomodate the components.
All the connections will be made inside the light without
any wires.. I will be using gold-plated spring contacts
that can handle alot of use. They are used by
manufactures to put in thier Bed-Of-Nails test benches.
It resembles a Toilet-Paper holder tube that has the
goofy spring inside that always pops out all over the
floor when you change the roll.. Darn thing always
rolls under the tiolet too :faint:.. But the teeny-tiny ones
i will use don't fall apart. I will also "Pot" the driver
in epoxy for durability and water resistance. It will
come out of the light like a cartridge, and the firmware
can be upgraded too.. I want to make it this way so
that you can take the light completely apart, and clean
it out under the sink. Also, if a diver uses it, he can
just hose out the inside when he/she does a gear-check
and clean at the end of the day. The top of the driver
will have an exposed aluminim plate for conducting
heat to the body.. That way the driver components
stay cool.

The battery door will be hinged.. Nothing to loose.
All seals will be silicone, and removable too.
I will include a grease and seal kit with every light
sold.. Along with your choice of 2x led modules
of any color or type. Those led types will be detailed
later on in the prototype process.

Titanium, Aluminum, Demascus, Stainless and
even Blast-Welded Multi-Layered Metal will
be the case options.. Prices will be made up soon.
here is the blast/explosion welded metal link:
A USB charging option will be considered too.

I am looking at making 10-100 lights,
pending the forums interest of course :grin2:

Okay, more to come, and my fingers are tired :laughing:

The Name for the light has been chosen, "Chimera" or Multi-Headed Beast...
Here are some Quick Renders And Sketches:



Robert M.
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The "Chimera" A 2x 18650 Edc, Pictures and Member List Added.

I have run through the thread to add up the first
10 people interested in this light when it goes up
for presale. Please let me know if you do not want
to be on the list for the presale.

Here is a partial list of interested members:
Please Let me know if you aren't/are interested:

1 Dom
2 Easilyled
3 PhantomPhoton
4 Lumafist
5 Spencer
6 Gothmog
7 Christoph
8 Wvaltakis2
9 RocketTomato
10 Metatron
11 Ftumch33
12 Olrac
13 Morelite
14 Karlthev
15 Roboholic
16 Elakazam
17 Hamheart
18 JetskiMark
19 Nfetterly
20 Hornado708
21 Chimneycheck
22 GryphonQ
23 Safd
24 Zoran
25 Ledcarry
26 Gollum
27 Linger
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Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ??

Hi Sabrewolf
Sounds like a big project and very interesting concept.
Would you be machining these yourself? -that would be the major cost.

I really like the Spy format and is my favorite light -second only to my EOS headlamp -which i use all the time.

You have made some really innovative work and the battery meter was fantastic on your Mags.

Are you going to make the driver yourself?
That sounds REALLY good with the separate channels.
Will it be a boost/buck,user programmable?

I'll tentativey be in for one -though it sounds like a winner.

Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ??

Hi Sabrewolf
Sounds like a big project and very interesting concept.
Would you be machining these yourself? -that would be the major cost.

I really like the Spy format and is my favorite light -second only to my EOS headlamp -which i use all the time.

You have made some really innovative work and the battery meter was fantastic on your Mags.

Are you going to make the driver yourself?
That sounds REALLY good with the separate channels.
Will it be a boost/buck,user programmable?

I'll tentativey be in for one -though it sounds like a winner.


Every facet of this light will be made custom.
I have a friend that can do the machine work,
And the driver board will be outsourced too.
I will populate the driverboard with the parts
and components myself though. It will be a
buck/boost board. I was planning on running
the batteries in parallel, Not series.
I figured that would be easier when in a crisis
of some sorts.. Ie, you could get away with
running the light on a single CR123 if needed,
being that they are so common to survival
kits and they last a long time in storage.
But you would normally use the 18650's for
a Looong runtime.

Robert M.
Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ??

Another option for the case material is called:
Explosion Welded Metal, or Blast Welded Metal.
It can be composed of any type of metal you
can think of.. Brass, Steel, Aluminum, Stainless,
Titanium, Tungsten.. Whatever you can think of.
I will get ahold of a sample to study, and then
send it out to be machined. This metal would
be a step above any titanium, demascus, or
aluminum as far as uniqueness goes.
here is the link for a manufacturer of this stuff:

Let me know what you think

Robert M.
Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ??

I think you want it to be 1 inch thick. Otherwise you have a .0625 thickness in the flat, and that won't be very durable.
Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ??

Search for threads from cpf'r rossitron. He played with a side x side 18650 light project for a while. I did a 2 x 2 Series /Parallel 18650, but never published on it. I already had enough on my plate with the CR2 side x side.

I can tell you from personal experience that side x sides are just great, but also are difficult to design and construct - much more so than meets the eye.

The hardest part is making the whole think compact, while keeping the battery door water tight.

Please consider to learn from my experience - use as much off the shelf as you can for the first build round and improve from there for build 2 or 3. Designing and building custom electronics, custom optics and custom mechanicals can be a bridge too far.
Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ??

I am working on a sketchup in 3D Studio Max for you's guys/gals
Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ??

I am working on a sketchup in 3D Studio Max for you's guys/gals

SketchUp or 3ds Max? Is 3ds Max all you have access to? Inventor is much easier IMO. (Maybe that's just how my mind works though)
Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ??

SketchUp or 3ds Max? Is 3ds Max all you have access to? Inventor is much easier IMO. (Maybe that's just how my mind works though)

I also have Bryce 5/6 and Solidworks.. My cousin
is the one who will do the sketchups for me.
I am by no means, an artist.. Well, when drawing
is concerned. Custom work, And electronics are
a different story :grin2:

The rough sketch is done, Now some mousing
is needed to bring it to life. I will try to have
a computer model up this weekend..

Robert M.
Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ??

Nice :)
That exploded metal sounds bulletproof -never heard of it before -thanks for the link.

I think i could get one of these -like the sound of the driver and switching.

You will be able to get a good range of optics or reflectors to fit as well i think,for both Cree or Seoul -just have to do away with the holders if using optics and maybe a bit of sanding for various reflectors.

Or maybe have a look at McGizmo's reflector sizes to see if you can make your housing suit some of them.

Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ?? Pictures Included

I have recently been thinking of a similar design, but to a different end... a very small mechanic's trouble light. Same basics, 1S2P 18650, hinged door,dual circuit etc. but with emitters at 90 degrees to the case. Please consider this also and perhaps a 3.5mm charging jack. A rubber boot with rare earth magnets in it would allow it to be placed on any ferrous metal surface also.
Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ?? Pictures Included

If it turns out as nice as it sounds, I'll be very interested.
In the blast welded option, what combination of metals are possible?
I would like the idea of swirls of copper and Ti.
Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ?? Pictures Included

I'm very interested in a 2x18650 side by side design. The dual emitter and driver is icing on the cake. I agree that such a design is rather complex, but if you have the ability and talent to get it to work out then I bow before your greatness.

I've been lobbying for a headlamp that uses two emitters one floody one throw, two circuits, two switches for almost a year now with no luck. Way better chance for me to someday get my headlamp done if something similar is done for a standard flashlight imho.

Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ?? Pictures Included

I have recently been thinking of a similar design, but to a different end... a very small mechanic's trouble light. Same basics, 1S2P 18650, hinged door,dual circuit etc. but with emitters at 90 degrees to the case. Please consider this also and perhaps a 3.5mm charging jack. A rubber boot with rare earth magnets in it would allow it to be placed on any ferrous metal surface also.

With my current design, making the reflector 90deg
from the body would be very easy to do. Maybee it will
be an add-on accessory to the light. As far as the
magnets go.. I can do it, but people that carry credit
cards in the same pocket wont like it too much :huh:
But that can be another add-on that can clip on the
lights' side-rail. The charging jack will be a usb mini
connector for sake of compatibility. But am am also
working on an induction charging method, as well as
a magnet connection similar to the Macbooks.

I still have some more design work to doo, and i will
continue to take ideas from members for this project.
I want to have a very versatile light that appeals to
the majority of the Cpf community :wave:

Robert M.
Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ?? Pictures Included

If it turns out as nice as it sounds, I'll be very interested.
In the blast welded option, what combination of metals are possible?
I would like the idea of swirls of copper and Ti.

I have yet to talk to the company that makes this
"Unobtainium" Metal:poke: I would imagine that
the combination you ask of is available.. But i think
the Stainless and Aluminum combo is the most widely
used form of it due to ship building and agriculture.
We will see what is the easiest/economical combination
of metals to use. It just gets me all Excited thinking
about it!! :grin2::grin2:

Robert M.
Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ?? Pictures Included

My idea for the magnets was to have them encased in a removeable rubber boot which the light would set in. The rubber protects the car finish, and the ligh. Included in the boot would be a triangular "hook", open 50% on one side, which could be folded flat against the back of the light, used to hang it, or at 90 degrees, would make a pictureframe-like stand.
Re: Any interest in an 2x 18650 EDC ?? Pictures Included

Even though I like your double li-ion, double LED flashlight concept (I thought up ideas to use two 18650 cells as well, but didnt go anywhere with them), it would be neat if you could eventually create a single 18650 cell, single LED flashlight. I like the idea that you can slide on different heads for different uses. I hope that the LED modules will be able to heatsink the LED adequately. The MC-E and P7 creates quite a bit of heat when powered at spec currents. I hope you can find nice optics for each LED, as well. I know you will not be able to create a "thrower", but a wide beam of light is more useful most of the time.

Can I suggest that you put an LED driver into each module, then use the circuit in the flashlight body strictly for battery monitoring and switching and/or mode changes?

You may find it difficult to design an all-in-one LED driver that can power a single XR-E at ~3.5V and 1000mA, a MC-E in series (~3.2V X 4) at 700mA, a Seoul P7 at 3.7V and 2.8A, and a colored LED at its ideal voltage and current (Red Luxeon III at <3V at 1500mA). Plus, for a driver circuit that is in boost mode to drive something like the MC-E, it is bad if someone forgot to pop in a module head, then they switched on the driver (it may be a tough as nails light, but it has to be user-proof as well :)).

For many boost drivers, it can destroy themselves if you remove the load and put an open circuit on the output. However, if the boost circuit is like the Shark or TaskLEDs Chippo (can have an open circuit on the output), you will fry the LED if you insert the module after you turn on the driver (the driver will be operating at its max boost voltage at the time).

If you use individual drivers for each module, it will make things much less complicated in the design. You will see that many LED drivers are designed to be around 0.55in (14mm) in diameter to fit in common sized flashlights. You can use individual drivers for each LED type for specific voltage and current regulation needs, then use an universal driver in the body that uses high frequency PWM switching to create your modes.
