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The Lounge 2017


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 3, 2009
SF norcal
Wow - been out of town a bunch w summer stuff going on & just catching up.
Loved the story Vinh!

I was hoping some new cells or emitters would be out but looks like just the aspire 18350 and the SST40.

I do have a new favorite light (besides my cqvn 4000K xplhi) and it's probably not very exciting to anyone else hhaha.

My trusty H600W MKii died on an upriver backpacking trip :(
Some water leaked into the head which was weird as it's been under water a bunch...
anyways, I loaned my backup HL (which is my awesome 4000K XPLhi from Vinh) and saw an H600fc MKiii on eBay of all places and in Kent WA too .. I don't think it was Vinh selling it haha

So the emitter in this is the semi exotic 6volt XML easywhite hiCRI under a lightly frosted lens.
It's SUPER and I've been living with it as my only light since I got it.

Blah blah -
Lots to catch up on.
Hope u guys are having a radical summer.

Here's a couple of pics:

Olympic peninsula:

San Francisco Peninsula:

Whistler Bike Park (I paid for this image but don't have it in my bucket)



Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Photobucket is another issue, long story but they want people to pay $400 for posting pics on forums(threads on here for more details)

I will pm my email, feel free if you want me to post the pics for you as i am sure we all want to see your adventure.

Good to see you bro:cool:


Newly Enlightened
Sep 14, 2010
Please excuse all the poor grammars below...

This summer I visited Ca Mau, the most southern city in Vietnam. What an experience of a lifetime during the short three weeks I was there. Aside from visiting relatives and local attractions one of my small side mission was to deliver $1000 from my Lux Signifer charity to the needy. I rather hand out the funds directly to random individuals than giving it to some organization. There were many encounters but here are the 5 most unique and heart felt experience for me.

1) My cousin countryside house has the most broke down bicycle ever. Rusted chain, loose bottom bracket, brakes barely grab. Everything was wrong with the bike except the tires were fully inflated. So it was ride-able nonetheless haha. My friend and I rode around the local farms across many rice patties. It was a beautiful sight. We did this mid afternoon where everyone was indoor to avoid the sun. It was HOT! On our ride we saw a lady on one of the rice patty working. The patty was about 5-7' lower than street level. She was the only one we saw among all the patties. I thought she was such a hard worker so I came by to converse. She said she loves working and actually gets sick if she stays indoor. We said out goodbyes and moved on. Hours later on our ride it started to rain violently. It rained so hard each drop hurt my face. It rained so hard I can barely see anything in front of me. Many people watch us from their house like we are crazy. Our feet and sandals were covered in mud. The Earth also smelled different as it soaked in the rain. There was no wind so the heavy drops strike us straight from the sky. It was cold for the first time in Viet Nam and I loved it. My friend wanted to continue in the rain so we happily did. The rain lasted a good 30 minutes. After our long adventure we rode back home yet again we saw the same lady on the patty. We came by to talk once again. She came over and I saw she was skinny had darker skin than me. A rare for a Vietnamese compared to me, the darker skin tone I mean. All that sun though. She always smiles although she was went and mostly covered in mud. She does have an accent so I only understand ½ of the things she was saying. Plus it was outdoor and we kind of have to scream to each other. I felt really bad for her so I took out my wallet and pulled out a 500 Dong (22 dollars, about 3-5 days worth of work for the average local) bill to gift to her. The instant she saw the money she said "I am not taking your money" and she turned and walk away. That was the last thing she said to us. At least the last thing we can make out. She continued working with her back to us and it doesn't matter what we said she didn't turn back. I could not stop thinking about her on our ride home.

2) To be continued …


My friend and I love the authentic spring rolls made deep in the local market by an older lady. She claims to be perfecting her spring rolls over 25 years of experience. Once every several days I would come and have about 10 rolls myself. The rolls are much smaller in Vietnam and they cost 7000D ( $.50 each). On my 2nd​ trip there I meet a very little girl about 7-9 years old in the parking lot. She was trying to sell me lotto tickets for 10,000D each ( $.44). I refuse to buy but instead gave her 50,000D ($2.20). She did not say anything the whole time. She only made minimal hand gesture and facial expression. She shook her head and handed me back the money. I told her it's OK and she can keep it. There was a good 3 seconds of frozen time between our eyes. She then put the money in her fanny pack along with the lotto tickets, kept her head down and then turned and walked away. She still has not said a word or gave simple smile of joy. I too turned and walked the opposite direction to our motorbike. Several steps before I got to the bike an older gentleman sitting on his bike working as a budget transporter spoke out to us. He said that the little girl's parents just passed due to AIDs. She too is a carrier. Every day she walked the street selling lotto tickets to take care of herself and her sick grandma whom she stays with. After hearing just that I chased after the girl. I called her and she turned around. Immediately she opened her fanny pack, withdraw the 50,000D bill I gave her, and handed it back to me. I think she thought I changed my mind and wanted the money back. I said No No, that's for you and this is for you too. I took out all the cash I had in my wallet and handed it to her. Probably around 250,000D ($11). She was then stunned. There was very little emotion on her face. But the slight bit of it was probably shock. Her arm slightly extended holding the money. She held that possible for may be another 3 seconds which seemed like forever. Everything just felt so still. The old gentleman on the bike then voices over both of us. He said, put the money in your pouch and go straight home and give it to grandma. Quit holding it like that before you get mugged! I then snapped back to reality and reminded her same thing and rush her home. She put the money in her fanny pack, zipped it and then turned and walked really fast. I stood and watch until she blends in with the market crowd. My friend and I rode home that afternoon in silence and it was probably the first time I forgot about the hot sun overhead as images of her replay in my head.
About 3-4 days later we returned to the same market for our spring roll fix. This time I had another 10 springs rolls. Kind of a shock all the people around regarding how much I could eat. This time it was the daughter of the Spring roll owner that served us. While sitting there multiple lotto ticket sellers stopped by. I gave them all 50,000D and told them I do not want to buy any tickets. All the people in the market were obviously curious why this kid is just passing out money left and right. I do remember giving 200,000D to a man that was particularly old and weak. Anyhow, several market owners came by to talk about random things and then it came to the topic of the HIV girl I meet outside of the market several days ago. The spring roll lady and the surrounding market owners all claimed to know of the HIV girl. They all verified everything I said as true. They also said that girl needs to raise at least $600,000D ($26.40) a month for her HIV medicine. Everything else she makes goes to rent, food, utilities and taking care of her grandmother. I also found out that she only profits 1000D from each 10,000D lotto ticket that she sells. This mean she needs to sell 600 tickets monthly just for her own HIV meds! That's 20 tickets a day! Unbelievable how much a tiny little girl must do to keep herself and grandma alive. I handed the Spring roll lady 1,000,000D($44) and asked her to pass it to the HIV girl. We then paid for our food and left. ½ way out of the market my friend and I decided just to give the HIV girl everything we had so we went back and handed over another 1,500,000D ( $66). A bunch of market owners witness the transaction. They all promise to make sure the money will get to the girl. They also said please come back to visit before I leave. As we walked away we can hear lot of chit chat behind us regarding what just went down that likely doesn't happen often. Weeks later I returned to the US without coming back to visit and say goodbye to the market people. The thing I regretted most was I never asked what the little girl name was. One day I will find out as I hope to keep her in my heart as someone more than a HIV girl.
Recently I spoke to my friend as she return to the market for spring rolls after I left. She told me my story is super popular throughout the entire market. She also said luckily we gave her that money because the night after her Grandma was hospitalized for a critical emergency. Sitting here now I wonder what her fate will be…realizing that beyond her there is even more heart breaking and difficult lives around the world. Yet I will first make an effort to find out what her name is.

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Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
That's heart breaking vinh, it's just terrible what people have to go through as it is. But a young girl should never have to go through that, really is shocking. She certainly sounds strong , which she would have to be and missing out on her childhood. So glad you made a difference to her life. All things happen for a reason , that is why you met her.


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Great pic as well vinh, you both make a perfect couple, may your lives be filled with happiness.......and brightness :)