The Official Zebralight Thread .

I don't like Anduril because there is no blocking the entrance to programming, as on HDS, HIVE on McGizmo, H17FX and some others.
You can enable "simple UI" (see: Anduril2 UI diagram only the part above the dotted line will be accessible). To leave this mode you have to click 10x fairly quickly and hold the last click, it's quite unlikely this would happen by chance.
That's the entire point of having a thread with a topic. If you want to discuss, say, the switch on a Maglite, that's really fantastic, but it's off topic and annoying. Here's a suggestion, and I'm not talking to just you, start a new thread to opine about other topics rather than derail existing threads.

The entire point of a thread with a topic is to have a discussion about said topic. A discussion of Zebralight's UI compared to another UI is well within that realm.

Discussing a Maglite switch would be off topic, unless it were in a comparison to the one Zebralight uses.

You sir have made plenty of unneeded posts in this very thread and also talked about a clip that is not a Zebralight clip. That's not what Zebralight uses, therefore I guess you shouldn't talk about it since people can't discuss a UI that Zebralight doesn't use, but people have modded lights to use.
Compare people who add sugar to their coffee one spoonful at a time, versus people who just tip the sugar dispenser and let it pour. Their tongues always want more sugar, and counting the spoonfuls is the only thing that regulates their usage. The people who pour will pour out more.

Except with that analogy you have to commit to one full spoon of sugar each time with no in between. So you're either forced to 1 spoonful or 2 spoonfuls when you want 1 and a half. How is that better?
I have carried one or other Zebralight for many years. My current being the SC64 which is simply an outstanding package for my needs.
Small, light, great pocket clip, more than enough output and instant access to both low and high from the off position. Impatiently waiting for the new SC64c HI (with Nichia 719A) I thought I would see what else is out there with similar specs.
I just took delivery of the Wurkkos FC13. Pretty impressive performance and the Anduril 2 is very well done and fairly easy to navigate. Easy access to low and high from the off position was no problem. Other nice features like the find in the dark aux light etc. etc.
However, it's considerably longer and about 40% heavier than the SC64 with a terrible pocket clip. So it will definitely not replace the SC64 as my EDC but will be a good backup light and useful to take on trips as a spare.

Now, let's get this thread back on track and take all of the drama offline!

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idk, whether charging more AA or less 18650, it's still about the same amount of charging, as it takes longer to charge 18650. I use both my SC5c Mk II a lot, every night all night long, and after a week or two, I always end up swapping cells with a SoC of still like 1.28V, not even half depleted. But I do rely a lot on dark adapted vision, so I'm probably not as much of a lumens-blaster as Streak.
Lumens blaster or not ( I am not) the fact remains that in my usage case many weeks can go by without needing to exchange the 18650 with another one of hundreds that I happen to have on hand fully charged. Conversely I only had two 14500's and was continually having to swap them out and used to have to take a charger with me when I travelled. Now I just take along two fully charged 18650's and to date, even on multi week trips have never had to use any of my backup batteries. Time it takes to charge any battery for any device has never been an issue for me as I always make sure that I either have backup batteries or a backup device!
I only had two 14500's and was continually having to swap them out
14500 isn't AA, has half the capacity today, but this is a recent development. Until a few years ago, 14500 had less capacity than 18350, 450–650mAh. Eneloop Pro AA has had 2500mAh for awhile. So no wonder!
14500 isn't AA, has half the capacity today, but this is a recent development. Until a few years ago, 14500 had less capacity than 18350, 450–650mAh. Eneloop Pro AA has had 2500mAh for awhile. So no wonder!
You do realize that a 14500 (usually around 1000mAh) has more energy (Wh) than a 2500 mAh NiMH AA?
You do realize that a 14500 (usually around 1000mAh) has more energy (Wh) than a 2500 mAh NiMH AA?

For your edification, capacity != energy.

1000mAh 14500 only appeared a few years ago. Prior to that, 14500 did not, in fact, have more energy that AA NiMH. I think we can be assured that Streak wasn't talking about yesterday, and I made the assumption, which is abundantly clear in my comment, that he was probably using older, lower capacity 14500 from prior to three years ago. But thanks checking, and, indeed, I am aware.
If you understand the difference then why would you bring up the fact that Eneloops have 2500mAh? How does the capacity (Ah) of an Eneloop have any meaning when discussing Li-ion capacity, they're obviously a different nominal voltage.

The only comparison that is relevant, when comparing different battery chemistries, is energy (Watt-hours).
Read my comments, or ignore them, but please stop reading into them what you want to see. Take them at face value. If Streak was burning through 14500 before the capacity increased 3 years ago, then he was using 14500 when AA NiMH not only had more capacity, which it still does, but when 14500 literally had less energy. Apparently, you seem to be unaware that 1000mAh 14500 haven't always been around. Prior to Vapcell releasing them a few years ago, it was pretty typical for 14500 to have anywhere between 450–650mAh of capacity. That's less capacity than a NiMH AAA cell, which is notorious for having no capacity.

The only comparison that is relevant, when comparing different battery chemistries, is energy (Watt-hours).
Most don't determine their runtime from Wh, and you don't either. And it really depends on the light and how it is used. Let's assume a ZL user just uses turbo only. Which cell will produce superior runtime, a 1000mAh 14500 or a 2500mAh NiMH AA? This is not a rhetorical question; please answer so I know you understand. And I wasn't comparing battery chemistries. Again, please read what is there instead of inventing. I was merely realizing why Streak was swapping so many cells, which I surmised that he was using low capacity 14500 and not high capacity NiMH.
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Read my comments, or ignore them, but please stop reading into them what you want to see. Take them at face value. If Streak was burning through 14500 before the capacity increased 3 years ago, then he was using 14500 when AA NiMH not only had more capacity, which it still does, but when 14500 literally had less energy. Apparently, you seem to be unaware that 1000mAh 14500 haven't always been around. Prior to Vapcell releasing them a few years ago, it was pretty typical for 14500 to have anywhere between 450–650mAh of capacity. That's less capacity than a NiMH AAA cell, which is notorious for having no capacity.

Most don't determine their runtime from Wh, and you don't either. And it really depends on the light and how it is used. Let's assume a ZL user just uses turbo only. Which cell will produce superior runtime, a 1000mAh 14500 or a 2500mAh NiMH AA? This is not a rhetorical question; please answer so I know you understand. And I wasn't comparing battery chemistries. Again, please read what is there instead of inventing. I was merely realizing why Streak was swapping so many cells, which I surmised that he was using low capacity 14500 and not high capacity NiMH.
There you go again with mistruths you're trying to ram down peoples throats as fact. As usual, you're getting defensive and condescending as soon as you're corrected. Jesus christ man 🤦‍♂️

The capacity of a cell cannot be compared between two different voltages FFS. Your arrogance is so frustrating as it is riddled with sheer ignorance!

The reason Streak was burning through cells has only one reason: energy density. You mention eneloops are notorious for low capacity but what eneloops are known for, is actually low energy density. They're the highest capacity NiMh so it's certainly not that their 'capacity' is lacking for what they are!!

Perhaps, instead of perpetrating BS, you could go do some tests for yourself?

I did just that recently actually where I ran a test using a SC5 running on eneloop pro VS a 800mAh 14500. The 14500 did not have a quarter of the runtime as would be expected if we bought into your blatantly false beliefs. The difference in runtime was about 15% less for the 14500. It's important to note the eneloops were as fresh as they come however the 14500 was a few years old and had been left fully charged which is detrimental to the cell (i.e. actually reduces capacity over time) so the results were EXACTLY AS EXPECTED IF YOU HAVE A CLUE!!!

Using your logic, which is wrong, a 3000mAh VCT6 would have only a slight runtime advantage over a 2500mAh eneloop pro. Oddly enough, that's so far from the reality as energy density matters, capacity does not unless you're talking the same cell chemistry. I'm breaking this down for you as you seem to be the only one going on a nonsense-pushing-mission yet again. Remember that time you also thought an E series SF was susceptible to water ingress with the clip removed!? L.O.L get with it dude, you're not right about everything. Heck, not even half the stuff you post is remotely accurate it seems 🙄
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There you go again with mistruths you're trying to ram down peoples throats as fact. As usual, you're getting defensive and condescending as soon as you're corrected. Jesus christ man 🤦‍♂️

Personal attacks, fallacious and needless. But when you bully others online, it really makes you seem super smart!

The capacity of a cell cannot be compared between two different voltages FFS. Your arrogance is so frustrating as it is riddled with sheer ignorance!

I don't know if you're being intentionally thick, but pretty much any two things in the universe can be compared. Why not? Your argument here, that capacity of cells if two different voltages can't be compared, is false on it's face.. A 3.6V 14500 has 1000mAh of capacity, which is 1500mAh less than an Eneloop Pro AA at 2500mAh. See? I did it. It isn't magic.

I think I'm starting to get the drift, and it is the same as always. There are some mentally ill members that like what they like, and if there is any criticism detected of what they like, whether it is real or imagined, they take it personally, so much so, that they deny that things actually exist.

You may want to overt your eyes:


The reason Streak was burning through cells has only one reason: energy density.

As I specified earlier,
capacity != energy

Exactly no one, not even you, iceyLED, uses energy (Wh) to determine how much runtime there is.

You mention eneloops are notorious for low capacity

You've now exposed your comprehension is poor, because I never mentioned any such thing, and to decipher your nonsense, I was referring to AAA NiMH as notorious for low capacity, and not necessarily Eneloop. I was talking about AAA cells, not Eneloop.

but what eneloops are known for, is actually low energy density. They're the highest capacity NiMh so it's certainly not that their 'capacity' is lacking for what they are!!

Yeah, again the energy of 14500 only increased to 1000mAh three years ago, meanwhile Eneloop and Eneloop Pro AA have had 1900mAh and 2500mAh, respectively, for a decade or more. If Eneloops are notorious for low energy density, show me three such acknowledgements of same, from anywhere on the Internet. If you can't do that, show me one other source, merely one, that agrees with what you've just claimed, that Eneloops are "known for" low energy density.

Perhaps, instead of perpetrating BS, you could go do some tests for yourself?

You're grasping at straws, desperate to not only tribally defend your precious cell format, but also to teach me some kind of lesson in how to be stupid in public, I think. Your infantile behavior and your pedestrian understanding of cell chemistry is quaint. Really, it's cute, shallow and false, but cute nevertheless.

I did just that recently actually where I ran a test using a SC5 running on eneloop pro VS a 800mAh 14500. The 14500 did not have a quarter of the runtime as would be expected if we bought into your blatantly false beliefs.

I'm not sure if you're being funny, but on Eneloop, the SC5 draws massively more current than when used with 14500.


Which, apparently, you did not know of the different current draws of different chemistries in SC5. But you're new here, so maybe you just started posting without having actually read the Zebralight thread, because some members graciously tested the current draw, and it's different for different cell chems in SC5.

Well, since now you're just making stuff up, and I'll give you the answer so that you'll have understanding instead of whatever the heck that is. The fact is a 2500mAh Eneloop Pro has more capacity than 1000mAh 14500, less voltage, and less overall energy, sure, but more capacity nevertheless. and we know this for certain by the published capacity ratings of the two cells. Due to characteristics of SC5, it's not a good example. Let's consider a fictitious light with a single mode of 1A, to make it easy for you. If you did not guess that the 1000mAh 14500 would be depleted in an hour and the 2500mAh Eneloop Pro AA would keep on putting out current for two and a half hours, then whatever you were thinking, it was wrong,

Using your logic, which is wrong, a 3000mAh VCT6 would have only a slight runtime advantage over a 2500mAh eneloop pro.

If brightness, and therefore voltage, doesn't matter, then exactly, if you drive a 3000mAh VTC6 and 2500mAh Eneloop Pro at the same current, the difference in capacity is, gee, 500mAh, which is not very much, is it?

Oddly enough, that's so far from the reality as energy density matters, capacity does not unless you're talking the same cell chemistry. I'm breaking this down for you as you seem to be the only one going on a nonsense-pushing-mission yet again. Remember that time you also thought an E series SF was susceptible to water ingress with the clip removed!? L.O.L get with it dude, you're not right about everything. Heck, not even half the stuff you post is remotely accurate it seems 🙄

To be clear, it is not the case that all that matters is energy density when often what actually matters is current draw and capacity. So, you must know now, you're wrong, as people tend to be when them make sweeping generalizations.
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Driver and LED voltage affect how battery capacity is consumed.

A 1.2V eneloop will require to boost voltage up to around 3V to run a 3V led.

A 14500 is already about 3.6V so will not require any boosting.

In other words, an eneloop will be depleted about twice as fast as the 14500.

Battery voltage is very important to take into consideration when comparing capacity of a cell.

Voltage x capacity is a far better measure to determine the runtime potential of a cell.

Back to Zebralight, I can't wait for the SC64 719a! Very excited for this one!
In other words, an eneloop will be depleted about twice as fast as the 14500.

In all situations, always? Is this true in a common driver such as that in a Lumintop Tool AA? How about a Coast? How about with an incan lamp?

No, it is not true in all situations always, but just only in the specific situation of a Zebralight driver that treats Liion one way and NiMH another way. It is the exception to the rule, so let's stop treating it like it is some kind of natural law. If the driver doesn't care what the chemistry is, which is by far the more common type of driver, and the same current is applied to both chemistries, then which ever chemistry cell has more capacity will run longer, even if the lumen output is lower.

Can we please stop with the sweeping generalizations? Can we please stop with the tribalism of "I like this, so it is best in all situations, and whatever else is not as good, and I have to defend to the death what I like if anyone else has the audacity to suggest that something else might be good, also."
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Got my new SC53c N... With a fresh Eneloop in it, tailcap tight and light off, it gives a flash roughly every 1 minute and 20 seconds. The battery is not low: four clicks on the light and it gives me four flashes for a full cell. So it does not think it has a low battery. But it was definitely giving me a beacon. Odder than that, when I tried to time it to see what the cycle was, the interval seemed to be creeping down, like 1:23, then 1:21, then 1:20, then 1:15.

Just received a new SC53c today and it's defective. It flashes a beacon every minute when turned off. Tried everything and couldn't get rid of it. It's going back.

anybody else with the new SC53c N getting a beacon flash that cannot be turned off? Or is there a fix?