Third party replacement reflectors for Oracle 35W HID


Newly Enlightened
Oct 11, 2006

I received my 35w Oracle HID light a few days ago. Thankfully it worked flawlessly, i don`t want to ship it back from Norway to have it repaired.

I was impressed with the overall light output but i could want a narrower spot beam. Does any of you guru`s know where i can get a smooth replacement reflector for the light? I understand the smooth reflector for the 24w version won`t fit and the quality of it isn`t all that good either.

If you put a smooth reflector on the light you'll have some beam artifacts. Look at the smooth reflector for the 24W, it has a shadow of the bulb in the beam pattern. I don't think your going to find an aftermarket reflector. You'd probably have to get one custom made, or modify an existing reflector that is a similar size.
I don't think there's any such thing as an 3rd party reflector for this light since even the manufacturer doesn't make one yet. I would attempt to purchase a spare reflector, have it sanded down, then electro polished, then find someone to plate is for you. If I were going to take the time to do it I'd make at least two or three of them in case one get's messed up. You can always sell the others here.