ThruNite Catapult Orange Peel Reflector Versus Smooth


Newly Enlightened
Jan 31, 2010
Hendersonville, NC
Does anyone know what's going on with ThruNite using the Orange Peel reflector in the Catapult. I just received mine from Going and it has the Orange Peel reflector. I thought the smooth reflector was standard as the Catapult is a thrower. Apparently, both versions are available and not necessarily being described by the sellers.

Since I received the Orange Peel and have learned that the Smooth has much more lux ( I'm wondering whether others prefer the greater spill of Orange Peel or the greater throw of Smooth?

I realize it comes down to application but without a side by side comparison of the Smooth and Orange Peel it is difficult to assess.

Opinions are welcome... I thought I wanted the Smooth, but I'm really liking the Orange Peel.
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Re: ThruNite Catapult Has Orange Peel Reflector Not Smooth

Mine came with an orange peel reflector too. I got a smooth reflector from Thrunite so I'd have both and I REALLY like having the flexibility of using both. Them smooth's obviously a better thrower, but the orange peel is artifact-free and very, very easy on the eyes. I say track down a smooth reflector and you'll be happier than swapping your light out for a smooth-only model.

Good luck! :thumbsup:
Re: ThruNite Catapult Has Orange Peel Reflector Not Smooth

Mine came with an orange peel reflector too. I got a smooth reflector from Thrunite so I'd have both and I REALLY like having the flexibility of using both. Them smooth's obviously a better thrower, but the orange peel is artifact-free and very, very easy on the eyes. I say track down a smooth reflector and you'll be happier than swapping your light out for a smooth-only model.

Good luck! :thumbsup:

Yes, it seems ThruNite is producing both a Smooth and an Orange Peel. Trouble is that they're not being differentiated by the sellers. Although, after I questioned it with Going Gear, Marshall is now showing the two different reflectors for the Catapult, so the buyer can choose. I would have appreciated that option.

As you mention the Orange Peel has some great qualities and seemingly produces more spill, so it's a keeper. I will also buy the Smooth to better optimize the Catapult's legendary throw capabilities.
Re: ThruNite Catapult Has Orange Peel Reflector Not Smooth

Not be some sellers perhaps....

Yes, I stand corrected. I notice that you do differentiate. I'm a customer of yours as well, so I don't know how I missed that. Perhaps I was more focused upon the different discount rates and opted for Going Gear's 10% discount versus your 5%.
Re: ThruNite Catapult Has Orange Peel Reflector Not Smooth

Do you think the catapult can outthrow r2 throwers like the et t20c2?

I'm new to the analysis of lumens and throw, and I know that lumens alone don't equate to throw. But, I have Olight's M21 Warrior with the SST-50 rated at 500 lumens and the Catapult on Medium seems to equal that. On high the Catapult is rated at 900 lumens and supposedly putting 700 lumens O.T.F., and it certainly seems to be as the throw far outpaces the M21.

Moreover, it also exceeds the throw of my Malkoff Drop-In in a 3 D cell MagLite. And that is with the Orange Peel reflector. I anxiously await my getting the Smooth Reflector from Going Gear so I can compare the difference in throw against the diffused Orange Peel.

So in response to your question, if your Eagle Tac T20C2 is rated at 300 lumens I would hazard a guess that the Catapult will exceed its throw.
Re: ThruNite Catapult Has Orange Peel Reflector Not Smooth

Yes you cannot go by lumens. You need Lux measurements. 100 watt bulb puts out more lumens but doesn't throw very far!

I found some info on According to them

Catapult with smooth reflector 31000 lux (WOW)
Catapult with OP reflector 18970 lux (big difference)

Eagletac M2XC4 30100 Lux

Fenix TK40 20800 Lux

The Catapult .with smooth reflector murders the T20C2 I asked about at 15360 Lux. I'm buying a Catapult!

Does the head still fall apart sometimes?
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Re: ThruNite Catapult Has Orange Peel Reflector Not Smooth

Yes you cannot go by lumens. You need Lux measurements. 100 watt bulb puts out more lumens but doesn't throw very far!

I found some info on According to them

Catapult with smooth reflector 31000 lux (WOW)
Catapult with OP reflector 18970 lux (big difference)

Eagletac M2XC4 30100 Lux

Fenix TK40 20800 Lux

The Catapult .with smooth reflector murders the T20C2 I asked about at 15360 Lux. I'm buying a Catapult!

Does the head still fall apart sometimes?

Thanks, that's some very useful information. Big difference in lux on high spot with the Smooth, and a significant difference on High spill for the Orange Peel. Guess it comes down to individual application, but I would sure like to see them both compared.

Changing the reflectors seems difficult, and it would be nice if ThruNite made head assemblies available so we could interchange between Smooth and Orange Peel depending upon need.
Re: ThruNite Catapult Has Orange Peel Reflector Not Smooth

Mine came with an orange peel reflector too. I got a smooth reflector from Thrunite so I'd have both and I REALLY like having the flexibility of using both. Them smooth's obviously a better thrower, but the orange peel is artifact-free and very, very easy on the eyes. I say track down a smooth reflector and you'll be happier than swapping your light out for a smooth-only model.

Good luck! :thumbsup:

How did you change the reflector? I removed the bezel and head and tried pushing the reflector out with my thumbs and forget about it. Won't move. I fear more force will break something. Also there seems to be a seal where the reflector abuts the top of the head, does it get damaged when changing between reflectors?
Re: ThruNite Catapult Has Orange Peel Reflector Not Smooth

How did you change the reflector? I removed the bezel and head and tried pushing the reflector out with my thumbs and forget about it. Won't move. I fear more force will break something. Also there seems to be a seal where the reflector abuts the top of the head, does it get damaged when changing between reflectors?

There is a gasket that protects the lens and sometimes it can be "clingy" with the head. To change my reflector, I unscrewed the head, unscrewed the bezel, and rocked the reflector back and forth (from the back) with my thumb until the reflector, lens, and gasket made their way to the front of the head. Once the gasket clears, you're good. It takes a little patience, but once it's apart you'll see that the design is actually pretty ingenious. It's definitely built to last.
Re: ThruNite Catapult Has Orange Peel Reflector Not Smooth

Yes you cannot go by lumens. You need Lux measurements. 100 watt bulb puts out more lumens but doesn't throw very far!

Does the head still fall apart sometimes?

I have owned mine since Dec and no the head does NOT "fall apart sometimes"...... or any times for that matter.

Where did you read such nonsence?