Too much Tritium ??? The evidence.

Jay R

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 10, 2006
Bracknell, England.
I have all my tritium vials sitting in a clear plastic container on my home computer desk. I went in the room this morning and found two dead moths next to it. Too much light perhaps ???

Or perhaps it was the radiation that got them !!!! :caution:
( Joking, I know it wasn't.)
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Re: It's official. Tritium can kill ! ( Ummm…)

Plenty more light where that came from, eh?

When you say "all my tritium vials" do you have loads? I think I've only got three not on torches ATM - severe vial envy!!!!:drool:

Moths beware!
Re: It's official. Tritium can kill ! ( Ummm…)

Got a few. I think it's the two big ones that attracted them. 5cm x .6cm.
Re: It's official. Tritium can kill ! ( Ummm…)


Circumstantial evidence only !

Sounds like a possible " Murder/Suicide" to me .

Re: It's official. Tritium can kill ! ( Ummm…)

Moth A: I love this glowing light... it's so beeeeaauuuttiful.
Moth B: Let's pretend to die besides it so the owner will cast it out in fear. Then we shall have it.
Moth A: Awesome idea, ok, here he comes....
Re: It's official. Tritium can kill ! ( Ummm…)

All that radiation from the tritium.
As long as you don't get bitten by a spider as well...
Re: It's official. Tritium can kill ! ( Ummm…)

Your thread is obviously intended in a light-hearted way, but the title is quite inflammatory and could attract unwelcome contributions.

Please substitute a less alarming title.
Re: It's official. Tritium can kill ! ( Ummm…)

How about .......

Tritium causes moth Fatalities

< New evidence suggests >

They circle the light in opposite directions causing fatal head-on collisions.

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Re: It's official. Tritium can kill ! ( Ummm…)

The light was so beautiful their lives would be meaningless from now on so they killed themselves.

That or they tried to eat the microfiber sweater in your room that they thought was wool...
Re: It's official. Tritium can kill ! ( Ummm…)

Lethal radioactive death-gas used in horrifying endangered species extermination!! :nana:
Re: It's official. Tritium can kill ! ( Ummm…)

Well, it's a good thing ants didn't find it. We all know what radiation does to them!

(Darn, I wanted to attach a pic but see no attachment button :mecry:)
Re: It's official. Tritium can kill ! ( Ummm…)

No! no! It was giant ants! Them! That great documentary tells you
all about the perils of radiation and ants!
Re: It's official. Tritium can kill ! ( Ummm…)

Your thread is obviously intended in a light-hearted way, but the title is quite inflammatory and could attract unwelcome contributions.

Please substitute a less alarming title.


( Except of course too much Tritium can kill, though only in a LOT more quantity than I'm ever likely to see. :D )
I put them in the bin this morning. I'm too afraid to open it now in case they have mutated into flesh sucking human eaters. :eek:
If it were shown that the tritium killed the moths, it'd just create a rush of CPFers buying tritium specifically for the purpose of insect control..

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