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The Last of the Nautili...
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Take your pick.
Anyway, I finally broke down and bought a Nautilus from 4Sevens early last week, which arrived much faster than I expected (there was a delivery notice in my mailbox on Tuesday evening, which I couldn't pick up because I was OOT for T-Day), and what do you know -- they're out of stock now. As I recall, the sale was for the last five of them, and I think I might have bought the very last one. Did anyone else snag one between 11/22-11/30?
It's a nice little light, all in all; the brass-on-titanium threading works very well. There were some burrs left over from the knurling process, but I was able to remove those with a carbide rubber block and a high-speed cotton buffer. I wasn't too happy with the pressure on the threads at first, but I peeled off the thick foam ring on the back of the head and replaced it with a much thinner ring originally intended for a Petite Killer, and now the action is much lighter, and it turns as smooth as a poorly-worded analogy. (actually, somewhat smoother in fact. :devil
I don't know how easy or hard it is to get replacement foam rings for Petite Killers, seeing how PhotonFanatic's work is small-volume, but if you have a Nautilus or an Aeon that doesn't turn as smooth as you'd like, a Petite Killer foam ring is a worthy mod. I'd even suggest it as a standard part on future Aeons, but I don't know where PF gets them from so I can't recommend a source.
The Last of the Nautili...
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Take your pick.
Anyway, I finally broke down and bought a Nautilus from 4Sevens early last week, which arrived much faster than I expected (there was a delivery notice in my mailbox on Tuesday evening, which I couldn't pick up because I was OOT for T-Day), and what do you know -- they're out of stock now. As I recall, the sale was for the last five of them, and I think I might have bought the very last one. Did anyone else snag one between 11/22-11/30?
It's a nice little light, all in all; the brass-on-titanium threading works very well. There were some burrs left over from the knurling process, but I was able to remove those with a carbide rubber block and a high-speed cotton buffer. I wasn't too happy with the pressure on the threads at first, but I peeled off the thick foam ring on the back of the head and replaced it with a much thinner ring originally intended for a Petite Killer, and now the action is much lighter, and it turns as smooth as a poorly-worded analogy. (actually, somewhat smoother in fact. :devil
I don't know how easy or hard it is to get replacement foam rings for Petite Killers, seeing how PhotonFanatic's work is small-volume, but if you have a Nautilus or an Aeon that doesn't turn as smooth as you'd like, a Petite Killer foam ring is a worthy mod. I'd even suggest it as a standard part on future Aeons, but I don't know where PF gets them from so I can't recommend a source.