U-04: XR-E, SSCP4, SSCP7, KLC8. Beamshots

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 30, 2001
Pamplona- NA- Spain
As promised:

The contenders:

All are Barbolight U-04, with step-down current regulator @900 mA. Fresh from the charger (4,18 V) Li-ION 18650.


From left to right.

1. U-04 SE. XR-E ; 2 U-04 SE II (matt finish) SSC P7; U-04 ATEX/P KLC8; U-04 ATEX/B SSC P4.

Pictures of the heads.


The beamshots.


And the readings.

1. Spot. P4: 1425; XR-E: 1200, KLC8: 1110; P7: 540 (not in the center of the donut hole)
2. Overall light. XR-E: 335; P4: 323; KLC8: 308; P7: 300.

Readings may not be very accurate!!

After this you can see that it is not a very good bussines to mod a U-04 with a P7, unless you are going to drive it harder.

Nice pictures.

Do you have any plans on releasing such a light (with higher drive level of course)? I'm sure there would be a lot of interest.
What do you think about a "Direct Drive? It would be arround 35 minutes of fury.

I'm not sure if the room for the driver will be enough for a buck regulator 2,8 Amps. Maybe those linear AMC7135...
Direct drive would be OK for this type of light, perhaps with a small amount of resistance to make sure the LED doesn't burn out. The AMC7135 would be a better option though. I don't know of any other single driver board out there that would be capable of driving the P7. Thermal cutout of driver boards can be a problem at these power levels.

How bad is the doughnut hole in the beam pattern? It's not really noticeable in the picture.
I will try to get a better picture of the hole, but yes, it is noticeable.

Pending on the binning it should not need a resistor. By the way, properly heatsinked I have gone as far as 4,20 amps on the LED, for 5-6 seconds.

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