Ultrafire BRC 3000mAh leaking ?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2010
Hello Candlepowerforum members I am a new subscriber that usually just lurked around reading threads... until just recently I came across many threads informing of the dangers of UltraFire brand Cells, (Especially the 3000mAh kind...) Some thread even showed photos of one that had exploded! :eek:oo:

I am new to Li-Ions... please bear with me I am a noob :oops:
Unfortunately I have these Ultrafire 3000mAh Cells BRC & TRC and I have noticed something particularly unnerving on the BRC cells, I believe acid of some kind has seeped and is showing up as dark spots under the red label. ( The TRC cells do not have this issue.) Now these are fairly new cells or at least I think they are but they may be used cells under a new shroud label. I would like to show some pictures of the cells to help with identifying the problem. Sorry about the quality of the image.

Also I would just like to mention I use these cells in my Eagletac T20C2. The cells tend to make my T20C2 warm to the touch after about 10 minutes of use on turbo or high mode.


Maybe I have nothing to worry about, but is it not better to be safe than sorry? :sigh:

If the link to the image does not work please let me know so I can try to fix it. Thank you.
It does look like its leaking. I wouldn't chance it and continue to use that cell and risk it blowing up in your hand or in your light... that wouldn't be good. I'd get rid of these and buy something quality instead.
It does look like its leaking. I wouldn't chance it and continue to use that cell and risk it blowing up in your hand or in your light... that wouldn't be good. I'd get rid of these and buy something quality instead.

Ok thank you for also confirming the leak, I will retire those BRC cells even though they are brand new.. :(

Now as far as a better cell, I have read about the AW cells and they seem pretty good.. Is the AW 18650 2900mAh a good choice or should I probably get a 2600mAh? Also I believe my EagletacT20C2 only discharges the battery at 1A on the turbo mode but I am not completely sure. What difference would that make really? I would assume that my flashlight is not a high current kind even at turbo mode or am I wrong ?
Sorry for so many questions :duh2:

Panasonic I believe is good also but I had some trouble finding a reputable seller for this.