I had a brand new, unused 5000mA LiPo 6S 50C battery burn up. It was a new battery that I was going to put into service. It was in it's original package with no connector on the output leads. I was going to solder on EC5 connectors. I decided to check the voltage of the pack first. It was less than 1 volt.
I heard some people resuscitate batteries with low voltage by charging them at a low rate for a long time. So I set my charger at 100 mA and started charging while having the battery in a safe open place in the garage where I was working. I had the battery in a fire safe "LiPo charging bag."
After a few hours I heard some cracking noise from the battery. It looked fine and was not hot but I took it outside in the yard away from anything and watched it for a while. Nothing happened. I went back to my work in the garage. I came out 15 minutes or so later and there was the battery burned up to dust.
Just FYI
I heard some people resuscitate batteries with low voltage by charging them at a low rate for a long time. So I set my charger at 100 mA and started charging while having the battery in a safe open place in the garage where I was working. I had the battery in a fire safe "LiPo charging bag."
After a few hours I heard some cracking noise from the battery. It looked fine and was not hot but I took it outside in the yard away from anything and watched it for a while. Nothing happened. I went back to my work in the garage. I came out 15 minutes or so later and there was the battery burned up to dust.
Just FYI