Union-made keychain lights?

What was that song in the old underwear ads? "Look for the Union Label". Sorry, once again I couldn't resist the opportunity for a lame joke. As far as your question, I can't help you.

I don't think I have ever seen a flashlight advertised as labor union manufactured.

I can tell you these ones aren't, unless China has labor unions (in the north american sense of the term)

Good luck in your search
You are light years in the past! There is hardly anything Union made in the USA anymore!
First thing I found was at:

Under Keychains they list a little wind up dynamo LED flashlight. Supposedly Union Made in the USA. Just cheap promo "Junk" though... :-/

Also under Tools they list a handier looking button cell light.
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May I ask why it's so important that it be union made? On a cost to value basis, many Chinese made lights will be a better choice than a (relatively rare) US made product.

I can think of a few companies here in the US...
Malkoff devices
Elzetta? Rings a bell as American, though not 100% sure.
and I think Streamlight
You are light years in the past! There is hardly anything Union made in the USA anymore!

Not so fast.. If you consume any Anheuser-Busch, Miller, Molson's Coors, etc products, then it is Union Made, as well as most automobiles sold in the US ( Lets not go there right now) The shuttle is refurbished and launched with Union Labor, Navy Ships, Air Force Planes, Army Tanks are built with Union Labor, Some Starbucks build your latte with Union Labor. No I don't Latte's ;-) Black and Hot is good for me.

As a Proud Sr. Steward and Mechanic for the International Brotherhood of the Teamsters for 34 years who has three daughters all with advanced degrees from the fruits of Union Labor, we are not gone by a longshot.

I know that this thread could spiral into a unpleasant argument and I am not going there, I just think that many folks are unaware that a tremendous amount of products are still produced with Union Labor in the USA and the bedrock of Middle Class values that they represent. Half of the children of our co-workers either entered apprentice programs or went on to Advanced Degree's. It a great Country to live in. It's also great that folks like Gene Malkoff can find a niche market and make a superb product with excellent customer service all out of his barn or kitchen. Glad to see you up and about Gene.

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As Carrot said, LRI makes the Photon coin-cell lights. They are made in the USA.

Princeton Tec Pulsar coin-cell is also made in the USA.

I don't know if either company's workforce is unionized (I'm sure a few emails or phone calls could inform you of that), but at least the product is assembled in the US. Most likely the 5mm LEDs came from Asia.
What was that song in the old underwear ads? "Look for the Union Label". Sorry, once again I couldn't resist the opportunity for a lame joke. As far as your question, I can't help you.


lol......will you be appearing here all week....you need your "ba dum...dump" drum set too......:crackup:

USA- light bodies and MAYBE reflectors and lenses- most (if not all LED's) and circuit boards overseas- with the exception of some DOD labs that don't want malicious code in their "proprietary" hardware- i.e. spy satellites, launch vehicles, guidance systems etc.
As Carrot said, LRI makes the Photon coin-cell lights. They are made in the USA.

Princeton Tec Pulsar coin-cell is also made in the USA.

I don't know if either company's workforce is unionized (I'm sure a few emails or phone calls could inform you of that), but at least the product is assembled in the US. Most likely the 5mm LEDs came from Asia.

Thanks, folks.
TJx, your post has been removed. Your opinions of the healthcare bill has nothing to do with the comments expected of this thread.

Union vs non-union is a well established politically charged area. Let's keep the politics out.
May I point out the elephant in the room?
Maglites are manufactured in Ontario, California. Now, does anybody know if they are a union shop?
I thought the Freedom and Proton circuit boards were made in China. The outer shells may be made in the US. The Freedom led is made by Nichia (a Japanese company), not sure where.
May I point out the elephant in the room?
Maglites are manufactured in Ontario, California. Now, does anybody know if they are a union shop?

Depends if you count the robots or not! :grin2:

I suppose we could have recommended the Surefire Titan...