Upgrade Fever


Aug 18, 2007
Looking at a favorite light of mine, there always seems to be just one-more-thing to improve. Invariably, that thing becomes available (usually without warning) and I have to have it.

Here's the upgrade chain for what is essentially a single light:

emitter > Malkoff M60
batteries > 2x primaries
host > Surefire 6P

Upgrade 1 - rechargeables (if I can just reuse the cells)
emitter > Malkoff M60
batteries > 2x 17500
host > Surefire 9P

Upgrade 2 - flood beam (if I can just see more broadly)
emitter > Malkoff M60F
batteries > 2x 17500
host > Surefire 9P

Upgrade 3 - long life rechargeables (if I can just get more runtime)
emitter > Malkoff M60F
batteries > 2x AW C
host > FiveMega 2C w/C2 HA bezel

...and now on the way...​

Upgrade 4 - quad emitter (since I have SO much runtime, I might as well...)
emitter > Malkoff M60W MC-E
batteries > 2x AW C
host > FiveMega 2C w/C2 HA bezel

Does it ever stop? :wtf:
It's quite simple, really.

You start out with this:


And after a while, you end up with this:


Photo credit for 2nd pic to BVH, taken from his amazing thread about his 60" Carbon Arc 1942 WWII anti-aircraft searchlight.
I think that our curiosity to upgrade what we already have is what brought most of us to this site. I know that this is what brought be here over 2 years ago. My project was a minimag. I never did upgrade it but got distracted by Deal extreme and it only grows from there.
You start out with this:
And after a while, you end up with this:


I think that our curiosity to upgrade what we already have is what brought most of us to this site. I know that this is what brought be here over 2 years ago. My project was a minimag.

Ditto. A long time Mag guy myself. I wasn't happy with my standard MiniMag, so I bought a DiamondLED upgrade for it. Not happy with that, I bought a Mag brand MM LED. Not happy with that, I found CPF and built the Start config above.

Try an M30 w 17670/18650 in a 6P. Great upgrade!

Having finished step 4, the very next thing I did was install the quad into the 6P. The form factor is just so right. With a low enough output emitter and a 18650 in a 6P, you have an ideal general purpose light.

That Fivemega C series compatible AW C cell body was a great surprise. :)

I'm hoping for an even better surprise...

I hope not!

Yea, the struggle between heart (yea, yea, more) and mind (no, thats enough) thats so much fun we keep coming back for more!
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