What are you doing for Labor Day?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2007
Terminal 4
Any one going camping this weekend? Planning to use your lights?

My family is looking at going camping but no plans have been set yet.

But I am sure I'm going to have lots of gadgets with me, my D10, L2D, L0D, LF2X, L1D, E01, Zebralight H50, UV lights, tons of Eneloop AA/AAAs, some Alkaline AA/AAAs, a couple Garmin GPS devices, walkie talkies galore, a few survival knives, multi-tools, fire-steel, etc.

Starting my packing list now. :devil:
I'm getting my batteries all in order and preparing for Gustav should it decide to head back towards the Panhandle of Florida. :)

Other than that, not much. We have a family reuinion (tm) on Saturday which promises to be an...adventure.
Considering I've had to take the wife to the emergency room twice in the last two days for gall bladder attacks, probably just going to stay close to home.

I do hope to do some outdoor light testing, if possible.
My wife and I are leaving for our house on the coast tomorrow morning. We'll be joined there by our LP daughters, their parents, and a few friends on Monday for a bbq and fireworks. We may rent a boat to go doodle around in, if the mood strikes us.

Any one going camping this weekend? Planning to use your lights?...
I dunno...It's still too early to tell. For us, it all depends on where Gustave goes and in spite of all the hype nobody will really know that for another 24-36 hours. Thanks to the State and Local anouncements the entire city (New Orleans) is in total panic mode. It is very unfortunate since there is still plenty of time to panic later when we actually have a clear idea of where the storm is going.

Bottom line: even though I haven't broken any laws I may very well spend Labor Day hiding from the NOPD who may be unlawfully snatching law abiding citizens off the streets and from their undamaged homes above sea level. This has happened before.

On the positive side, fooling the NOPD is one of the easier things in life to do -- it's like picking on Country Western music. (No offense to C&W music buffs -- I'm one myself)

I hope ya'll have a good holiday weekend. It's gonna take quite a bit to drown us out.
Yeah, Sub, I've seen some of the newscasts coming out of N.O. They keep bringing up Katrina and using it's specter to scare people. I've gotten to where I just check weather websites to get updates because I'm so tired of the Weather Channel's muckraking to get viewers. I think they went through some sort of redesign a few years ago and it's gone downhill since then, imo.

Good luck to all of us. As "forecaster pasch" says in his or her statements, "300 mile margin of error means nobody knows for sure for the next couple of days."
I have no clue, something with the family, but we never plan such things out.

Hopefully we come up with something interesting and affordable. :thinking:
I, like Sub Umbra, am waiting to see if I need to leave Louisiana because of Gustav. Depending on where it is going, my family and I may be on the road to evacuation.
I hope you all in the path of the storm stay safe and well lit.

Ironically the power went out here 40 minutes ago and I'm using my LED lights to light up the house...
I'll be writing a new chapter in the ghost story I'm working on.

Even though I'm an amateur Writer, I have a very small but devoted following.... And yes, the positive feed back I get from them; makes it all worth it. :)
Looks like I'll be "working" on Labour Day again...as usual.

I have some spectroscopy lined up, plus I'll be typing up web material for my own website plus several others.

(Edit 09-01-08 12:18pm PDT): I performed nine spectrographic analyses before noon PDT, so I think I'll watch TV for awhile. :thumbsup:
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I'm going to spend at least part of the day wondering if I should or shouldn't be worrying much about Gustav. Or maybe that's just what I'll be doing today. (We're in the Houston-Galveston area, so we're probably OK...unless it pushes a bit more to the west/southwest.) We always stay "prepared to prepare" here, but still...

Louisiana folks, I feel your pain.

By tonight/early Monday, we all ought to have a very much clearer idea of what to expect.

I'm HOPING we can spend the day NOT worrying too much...except for worrying about or neighbors to the very near north.