What do you clean threads with and how do you do it?


Mar 17, 2008
Mississauga, Canada
I have quite a few flashlights that I bought in the last 3 months when I started my flashlight collection. However, I have never clean my flashlights...the threads or o-rings. I also have not lubed any threads and o-rings either.

I am not going to ask what lube to use because I already bought a tube of Nyogel.

But what do you clean threads with and do you use paper towels or microfiber clothes? Q-tips? Can I dunk the whole flashlight body tube in water and wash it with soap?
I wipe out the threads the best I can with a paper towel and then run a stiff tooth brush all around the threads. Wipe again and lube.

If you want to dunk (just) the tube, no problem. Obviously, be sure it's dry before reassembly.

I don't like Q-tips for cleaning because some of the fiber invariably gets left behind and you then have to clean that stuff out.
I just use paper towel to wipe the threads and then I relube. Many here will recommend deoxit and progold or isopropyl alcohol for electrical contacts. I just use some electrical contact cleaner someone gave me. One of these days I'll get around to buying some better stuff.
Searching will bring up quite abit..:)

anyway,i use isopropyl alcohol, q-tips, microfiber cloth, and tissues. I use my finger nail to wedge either the tissue or cloth in the individual threads and "unscrew" the threads.

Searching will bring up quite abit..:)

anyway,i use isopropyl alcohol, q-tips, microfiber cloth, and tissues. I use my finger nail to wedge either the tissue or cloth in the individual threads and "unscrew" the threads.


i do the same thing with my fingernails..just stick it in the groove and unscrew and you really see all the black stuff
I just remove the o rings and dab a microfibre cloth with methelyted spirits and clean all the black crap away, then rinse in water(body only), dry off, put orings back and lube up.

For the heads and tails i just use the micfibre cloth and clean as best i can, re lube then done.
Get a rag or makeup sponge (not a paper towel or q-tip, these leave little fibers everywhere) and some common household rubbing alcohol or WD40; remove the o-ring and rub the threads as clean as you can with the rag, then move to another part of the rag and soak it with the alcohol/WD, and wipe down the threads again. When they're properly clean, they'll look like shiny metal, similar to the bare aluminum of a soda can. Put just a drop or two on each thread segment and rub it in/around with your finger, and a drop on the o-ring, ensuring it's coated thoroughly on all sides. Reassemble and twist a few times to make sure it's distributed evenly, and wipe off any excess that squishes out. That's it, you're ready to go for another several months :thumbsup:
Disassemble flashlight, remove O-rings and take hot water, dishwashing liquid and a firm toothbrush to the the threads. Rinse clean and dry, apply contact enhancer and thread lubricant, replace O-rings.
With a new light, after removing the O-rings, I use a Q-tip soaked in Alcohol, followed by another soaked in a dry cleaning spot remover. The Alcohol gets rid of most organic residues and the dry cleaning solution strips any remaining grease from the threads. I then take rounded wood toothpicks soaked it in the same solvents. I run the pointed end between the threads to get any aluminum grit that may been left behind during the manufacturing process. I keep replacing with fresh soaked toothpicks until the end of the last new toothpick looks clean. After all this, I relube with Nyogel 760. Plain less expensive Silicone lube also works well for most lights, but not as well as Nyogel 760 with lights having tight O-rings.
I wipe out the threads the best I can with a paper towel and then run a stiff tooth brush all around the threads. Wipe again and lube.

I don't like Q-tips for cleaning because some of the fiber invariably gets left behind and you then have to clean that stuff out.


This is the method that I use, too.
Disassemble flashlight, remove O-rings and take hot water, dishwashing liquid and a firm toothbrush to the the threads. Rinse clean and dry, apply contact enhancer and thread lubricant, replace O-rings.

:caution:Watch out ! Dishwashing liquid often contain sodium hydroxide wich will "eat" any aluminium body, anodized or not. I would personally not recommend.
Alcohol Swabs :) like the ones that the nurses/doctors use to clean your arm before a injection, simple cheap and effective with easy clean up.

You can get them in Boxes of 100 for cheap at most chemists...

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