I am a police officer and I am currently using a 2D LED mag for work and ,although it gets the job done, the color of the beam (blue in color) doesnt work well in all conditions(mostly when having to look through glass such as car windows or storefronts. Also a coworker was talking about a tactical flashlight(no idea of make or model) that is so bright it actually causes disorientation and temporary blindness when shined into the eyes of a potential threat. Im not exactly sure what the best light would be but I need something practical in size( i prefer 2D or 3D mags because they can be used as more than just a light), something very bright (bright enough to stun someone when shined in there eyes without permanently blinding them) with a more pure white beam that has good focus but can also flood an area like a large yard, that is DURABLE, with a decent battery life. Most coworkers use streamlights or pelicans(im not a fan of either( too small and not bright enough) i dont care if its rechargeable or not althoough it would be a bonus. Can someone please help? it would be greatly appreciated, thanks alot.