What light to send to a US soldier in Iraq? ... **UPDATE in POST #119**


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 24, 2007
United States
A coworker of mine has a son currently serving in Iraq. She said the other day that his unit it greatly short on equipment and doesn't even have any [greatly needed] flashlights. I don't know him personally, but I'd like to get a light to send to him.

I would like to find something that fits the following:
1. Small (AAA, AA, or CR123). 2xCR123 max.
2. Made in USA (I might possible cave on this requirement if the light seems to be a perfect fit otherwise)
3. ~$20 incl. shipping and/or sales tax
4. Durable

I'm not sure whether or not he would need a lower output light or brighter light. I would image that multimode would be useful, but probably won't fit the budget. If it helps at all, to my knowledge he is an MP and is the gunner on the lead convoy HMMWV.

So far all I've really been able to come up with is the Inova X1 (v.4) or Fenix E01 (not USA made though :().

Any suggestions/comments would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

*** UPDATE ***
I am amazed by the generosity of fellow CPF members, OpticsHQ.com, Gene Malkoff, and BatteryJunction.com. Here is what is being donated for the soldier(s):

Zebralight H30 by scout24 ... RECEIVED
$25 by scout24 ... RECEIVED
$20 by tekguy ... RECEIVED
$20 by Vesper ... RECEIVED
Gerber Infinity Ultra by Owen ... RECEIVED
Inova X1 v.4 by Monocrom ... RECEIVED
TLS Cree Q5 Drop-in by OpticsHQ.com ... RECEIVED
SureFire G2 and 6x CR123 by bullfrog ... RECEIVED
$25 by 96bravo ... RECEIVED
100x SureFire SF123 cells by ElectronGuru and Moddoo ... RECEIVED
$20 by anonymous French cop ... RECEIVED
Malkoff M60WL by Gene Malkoff (via ElectronGuru) ... RECEIVED
40x Titanium Innovations LED keychain lights (40x white) by MattK / BatteryJunction.com ... RECEIVED
Maxpedition Volta by Owen ... RECEIVED

With the help of the CPF monetary donations, the following has been purchased:
SureFire G2 ... RECEIVED
SureFire FM35 red filter ... RECEIVED
12x SureFire SF123 cells ... RECEIVED

Battery Junction:
40x Titanium Innovations LED keychain lights (20x white, 15x red, 5x green) ... RECEIVED

SureFire Z33 lanyard kit ... RECEIVED

Sam's Club / Wal-Mart:
12x Energizer e2 AA cells
12x Rayovac AA cells

*** UPDATE 2 ***

Here is everything that is being donated:

Everything has been given to the soldier! Please see post #119 for the update, along with final list of donations and final list of equipment donated.

Thank you very much everyone! lovecpf
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Re: What light to send to a US soldier in Iraq?

in that case I'm assuming this light would be more for "maintenance" purposes/general putzing around?
Re: What light to send to a US soldier in Iraq?

Check out these very informative threads:


There was an other thread that was highlighting the importance of a decent headlight - exactly for this purpose (finding rounds in a humvee or ....). A search should bring that up.

Here it is: Critical Need & Role that Flashlights make in Combat. (Article)
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Re: What light to send to a US soldier in Iraq?

I'd give him one of the updated Inovas... 2AA bolt or the X1. Solid lights IMHO, up there with Surefire from a fit, finish heft and quality standpoint. In the middle of the night with adapted vision 50-80 Lumens is WAY more than enough.

Streamlight MS small, cheap 1aaa, but only runs ~90 minutes on a charge.. IIRC
ITP A3 or Maratac, solid little lights... not USA made though.

Don't give him a 2AA mag. The loosen for on head is likely to accidentally turn on in his BOB.
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Re: What light to send to a US soldier in Iraq?

Check out Romisen lights. They have very good quality to go along with a low price( around $15.00-20).I have 3 so far and have been very pleased with them.http://www.shiningbeam.com/servlet/the-By-Manufacturer-cln-Romisen/Categories

+1 for romisen BUT they arent USA made. dont ignore some of the better foreign made lights, Fenix is producing great lights, their TK40 has undergone extreme torture tests and if you go to youtube and do a seach on 'nitecore' you will see a whole lot of videos on those lights.

I personally own Jetbeams and a Nitecore EX10 (CR123 light) and have subjected them to abuse just to prove to non-flashaholics why my lights are so much better than their crappy 9-LED, 3xAAA in a carried, showerhead lights.

I now own a few Fenixes too and my latest purchase was a Fenix TK20, am simply astounded at the build quality of the Fenix TK20.

As a gunner, i would suggest a headlamp like the zebralight H501 which is good for close up tasks, changing ammo belts clearing feed jams etc. You can get it direct from www.zebralight.com. Then get a backup light like the Romisen RC G2 (single AA Light) available from www.shiningbeam.com. That should cover most of the bases.

If CR123s are readily available (and free) got for a SUrefire E1B, a Fenix PD20, P1D, Nitecore EX10 etc lots of great choices available.
Re: What light to send to a US soldier in Iraq?

Hey Robert,

I went to Afghanistan and I had to buy much of my equipment also, including all of my lights. So, as one who has been there, thank you for meeting a need! :twothumbs

My recommendation is to go on ebay, find the dealer Flashlight Express, and go to his store. You should be able to get a Solarforce L2 (they come in black, tan, or grey - the grey looks very nice by the way) with a 300 lumen (manufacture rated, isn't that bright, but still very nice) two CR123 flashlight for about $25. And by the way, using two CR123 batts will not only give him more power, but much longer runtimes as well. Shipping is free, his commo shop should have plenty of those batteries, very well made and durable, upgradable, and there are many accessories for it. I would even suggest you ask others to chip in. They can get colored lenses, a better and/or multiple level drop in (if someone wants/is able to, Dereelight makes excellent drops and can get a 3 level for about $35), rechargable batteries, charger, holster, uv or IR drops, etc. I ordered this light with the rechargable batteries (CRC123), charger, and holster for one of my soldiers who is deploying.

Also, and hey, I'm with you on buying American, but this is for an American soldier in a VERY dangerous position and will probably be the best bet (it is of what I know of) for around your budget.

Thanks again for doing this. Let me know if there is anything else I can help with.
Re: What light to send to a US soldier in Iraq?

Headlamps are good for getting gear ready in the dark or reading while the rest of the guys are asleep. I don't know that I'd use it as a turret gunner -- that might be tactically unsound (point here and shoot). I always had one of those small Inovas on my dogtag chains. A green one [red protects night vision, green prevents bloom on night vision devices - it's a call]. I had a small surefire strapped to my gear that I rarely used (too heavy, and couldn't hold it in my teeth). Usually, it was the Inova, a Pelican Mitylite, or a Princeton Tec Rage. I had a Petz headlamp with a retractable band for reading at night. 3 LEDs, took 1 or 2 AAAs.

Re: What light to send to a US soldier in Iraq?

Surefire G2s are pretty cheap, especially in the MP, but there are a couple dealers who give good prices on new lights. I picked up a decent condition G2 for ~$25. Although not the brightest or most efficient, it is better than no light. I find the P60 is plenty light for most circumstances. Plus it carries the SF guarantee if he does manage to break it!
Re: What light to send to a US soldier in Iraq?

You have a couple of options -

1. I assume this is for rummaging around in gear, maintenance and the like:

a. Gerber Infinity in Red from Amazon here.

b. Gerber Infinity in White - you can do a similar search on Amazon. Which will ship to APO addresses.

c. Fenix E01 - not American made, but oh well. It beats the hell out of no light at all.

d. Peak - specifically, the Kilmanjaro. Runs on a AA - more than $20, but Peak consistently puts out a good product and is made in the States.

e. Gerber Tempo - from Amazon.

Here's the kicker - the Army doesn't issue out standard batteries. That's up to the individual unit - whether or not they choose to purchase batteries from unit funds. More often than not, if you want batteries, you're advised to buy, fly or otherwise put your grubby mitts on them yourself.

My suggestion is to throw in a pack of AA or AAA batteries along with the light - from the sounds of things, he'll need them.

On his behalf, thank you for the thought.


Edit: I used to be a big fan of the Mag LEDs, until I bought one and found the entire LED module was rattling around. Wasn't even glued in to the body. If you want to go the Mag route, make sure you open the package and test the light first, ideally before you leave the store.
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Re: What light to send to a US soldier in Iraq?

Good to hear you are going to send him a flashlight, they were very helpful when I was in Iraq/Afghanistan.

I used a minimag with dat2zips Luxeon sandwiches as my LED light of choice back in 03/04/05. Worked very well and I fed them rechargable NiMH cells since disposable batteries may, or may not be available. Power for the charger was available since I worked at the hospital.

A minimag is good because it will fit in the molle straps on the body armor. Put a short lanyard on the tail with a lobster clip to keep it from falling out. Duct tape works but he will appreciate the lobster clip more.

Since I was not a combat person, my medical uses were different but the exact same for general purpose lighting. I found a red or white AAA light on a neck lanyard to be great and used Arc and Peak lights to perform that function. Beat the hell out of the Peak lights, took showers with it on, ran it for hours in bunkers etc. Made in Arizona and you can spec red, white, green or whatever color and power output level. Since he will be wearing dog tags anyway, slipping the small AAA light on a lanyard will be easy. A buddy of mine still wears his two Peak AAA lights on a neck lanyard even though he is back in the world. Still kicking butt after being worn for 3 years. I think they cost $25 to $30 so take that into account.
Re: What light to send to a US soldier in Iraq?

Some of these aren't made in the U.S. but are pretty cheap and tough:
2 AA Rebel l.e.d. maglite
Gerber Infinity Ultra
Inova X1 version 4
Fenix EO1

If you need more light, I suggest you increase your budget. For $33 you can get a new Inova XO (2 123A light) at Fry's Electronics that puts out around 100+ lumens, has a warmer tint l.e.d., and is built like a tank. (Make sure it has a textured reflector to get the newest version.) This has been my favorite light lately.
Re: What light to send to a US soldier in Iraq?

Don't forget the brand-new Inova X2, if AA batteries are more common than 123a lithiums.