What would get you excited about flashlights again?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 6, 2014
I'm new as well but I do plan on sticking around. Though I'm not clued up on the flash light community I think battery improvement needs to jump. I'm really into technology and not just in phones but people are very limited in what can be done. Batteries have been left behind in the last 5 years and havnt caught up. Can you imagine if your smart phone lasted a week like old mobiles Without charging. I know companies are catching on and some innovations are in the pipeline but these are at least 5 years away. Too little too late.


Jul 22, 2013
Folsom, CA
Seems like we are about to see a proliferation of lights that can be plugged in to USB ports. I'd love to see a light that could be programmed via some simple software. No crazy amount of double clicks, triple clicks and head turning to program a light... just some mouse clicks. No idea if this is feasible or not.


Aug 27, 2006
I think something like that will be feasible down the road, in the near future. Not quite there though.


Jul 22, 2013
Folsom, CA
I think something like that will be feasible down the road, in the near future. Not quite there though.

It would be nice. You can completely tailor the light to your wants and needs. Make it as simple as you want, or put in 20 different lumen levels if wanted.

Some day. :)

Rafael Jimenez

Jan 15, 2012
My first "real" flashlight was a Varapower turboV2. Wow! very impresive. After that it was the Malkoff hound dog, and the Wildcat plus the small MD2. All great lights. I found a TM11 here in the CPF classified's for 90.00 in like new cond. it has impressive runtimes.

I don't have interest in another light (maybe a HDS 250 lumen?) with these super great well made lights, and would never sell or trade any of them.

The thing that can excite me is a hand made super durable lifetime warranty rechargeable light with good runtimes. I'm a Veterinarian and sometimes I drive on isolated dirt roads late at night, far from civilization, so a dependable light can keep me safe. Once, late at night my pickup headlights failed, I got back to the city thanks to the TM11 at 500 lumens in one hand and the other hand on the wheel.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 18, 2009
You know what would really get me excited about flashlights (at least the production ones) is a new programming interface. There are some very creative schemes out there that work along with just a single button but they can get complicated and require looking at a reference sheet when trying to do. People have mentioned USB from time to time and it is always met with the same concerns: too much additional hardware, would reduce the durability of the light in terms of weather protection.

What about bluetooth? Micro sized technology is out there. There are tablet pens that are no thicker than most AAA sized lights that have bluetooth connectivity to tablets. Imagine a bluetooth chipset embedded in a flashlight that you could link to your PC, tablet or phone and just pop open an app and program away. That would definitely get me excited.


Apr 8, 2002
You know what would really get me excited about flashlights (at least the production ones) is a new programming interface. There are some very creative schemes out there that work along with just a single button but they can get complicated and require looking at a reference sheet when trying to do. People have mentioned USB from time to time and it is always met with the same concerns: too much additional hardware, would reduce the durability of the light in terms of weather protection.

What about bluetooth? Micro sized technology is out there. There are tablet pens that are no thicker than most AAA sized lights that have bluetooth connectivity to tablets. Imagine a bluetooth chipset embedded in a flashlight that you could link to your PC, tablet or phone and just pop open an app and program away. That would definitely get me excited.

I'll admit... that would be kinda neat... :thumbsup:


Feb 29, 2004
You know what would really get me excited about flashlights (at least the production ones) is a new programming interface. There are some very creative schemes out there that work along with just a single button but they can get complicated and require looking at a reference sheet when trying to do. People have mentioned USB from time to time and it is always met with the same concerns: too much additional hardware, would reduce the durability of the light in terms of weather protection.

What about bluetooth? Micro sized technology is out there. There are tablet pens that are no thicker than most AAA sized lights that have bluetooth connectivity to tablets. Imagine a bluetooth chipset embedded in a flashlight that you could link to your PC, tablet or phone and just pop open an app and program away. That would definitely get me excited.

I think 4Sevens demonstrated some prototype designs that had bluetooth connectivity about a year ago. They weren't uber-programmable, but had some interesting smartphone interaction features.

It's worth mentioning that bluetooth is arguably another level of complexity over USB.


Feb 10, 2014
It would be nice. You can completely tailor the light to your wants and needs. Make it as simple as you want, or put in 20 different lumen levels if wanted.

Some day. :)

This idea has my vote too. I'm in my first 180 days with CPF and already spending more time here than I ever expected. Strategizing and budgeting for my next purchases - none of which I need :shakehead :). Recently bought an X40vn which is awesome but also comes with limitations regards the UI and general purpose use. It is a superior light but I am still looking for the next - Yikes! Most of you all are so far beyond my understanding in the light world that boredom isn't the issue as much as that I just get glazed over. This is my deficiency - not CPFs. I love the detailed reviews and was drawn to the light of CPF by those.

As for what I would like to see in flashlight technology that would get me excited ?

1) the programmable option already mentioned

2) I really want to find an LED that has a trigger switch. I posted about this yesterday in the "Recommend Me a Light For…" forum. I really don't like the clickies. I have an old Thor/Cyclops Sirius light that has a trigger switch that can be locked on but otherwise can be left so that you just pull the trigger and you have light - for a second or whatever you need. You let go and the light is off. Never any need to feel around. This makes a perfect night stand light but great for night walking or signaling. This to me is a great UI. In the case of the Cyclops it works especially well because the light has 2 modes of brightness. Select one and pull the trigger, as simple as that.

3) A huge improvement over the tail click light with 4 or 5 modes is if the light has mode indicators. The Fenix TK76 is an over featured light with lots of buttons (still you've got to give Fenix credit for stepping outside the design box) BUT I really like that you can tell what mode you have selected by the light bars. I have an Fenix TK21 that could be a great little light but it is a 4 mode click light that requires counting or you fall off the edge of bright and down into the moonlight mode. Well at least I do :candle: - not too swift. Anyway - the lighted mode indicator would be a very useful feature. Nothing tactical about having little lights showing all the time but likewise nothing tactical about needing to click on your light extra times to find the brightness level you want.

4) Funny - I don't even know why I care about all this but I find good technology compelling. Add great function and make it somewhat affordable and hand held and I'm hooked. Easy gratification. I do wonder how long I can hang out in CPF before I will start to think that I've seen it all.

As for lights that can use different batteries and in the "for what it's worth dept."- I don't know about others but the Fenix TK21 can use two 3VCR123As or one 18650 Li-ion rechargeable. Very handy.

Thanks CPF and company. I'm glad to have found you.


Jul 16, 2012
More "fun" must-have flashlights like the L3 Illumination L10. Not so expensive, small, something extra to offer like Nichia 219 emitter. These types of lights are fun to try out and handy to keep around given the price. Jake even has a poll going in CPFMP about what we'd like to see in the next light. I would like to see more manufacturers like this thinking of new ideas that won't wipe out half of a paycheck!


Newly Enlightened
Sep 23, 2011
I want to see a really well-built, small, AA EDC light that has a stun gun built into the bezel. I know there are a few lights out there that have the stun gun capability, but I want to see one made with superior quality in mind. I think it needs to be small enough to use as an EDC light just so that it will always be on your person. The AA requirement stems from my desire for it to be both accessible in any locality and cheap to maintain (using rechargeable batteries).

I think this light needs to be made because so many people out there carry a flashlight because they think of it as giving them some level of protection. This light would really add to whatever sense of security their current flashlight gives them.


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
CPF Live: A live feed that you can leave open in a window/tab that shows new posts anywhere on the forum as timestamped post titles with the first ~140 characters, displayed as an auto-updating time-descending list, like a newsfeed.


Oct 31, 2007
Willamette Valley, OR
Interesting reading.

[...] Also, some of the old regulars either left or their personalities did a 180. Leaving I can somewhat understand. I miss those guys. The LED Museum, DHart (who now only stops by once in a rare while), 65535, Goatee (whose user-name was literally keyboard characters that spelled out a face wearing a goatee and winking at us). And the rest of the guys. And DM51 too. [...]
This is one difficult aspect - speaking for myself, when I see fewer of the people who 'enlightened me' (Mdocod, greenLED, Patriot, Sgt.LED, & angelofwar for examples) around, I have less people that I know whom I can talk to.
Which makes me value the newer die-hards a bit more (nbp & jamesmtl514 for example :wave:)
(BTW DHart is alive and well over at RimfireCentral. :))


I think that with all the advances in LiIon rechargeables, the lack of improvements (both with regards to cost / watt-hour and the ability to deliver high wattages) in primaries has been disappointing.

The folks I have spoken to outside of CPF who are simply not interested in rechargeables aren't being brought into 'the fold' - many of the newest flashlight tech advances aren't spilling down to the CR123 & AA market.

Back in the day we'd get top performance and adequate runtimes from an LED light fueled with a single CR123 - because LED's couldn't take high currents.
With the advancements in other flashlight aspects over the past few years, CR123's just haven't kept up.
And don't get me started on how Eneloops should have revolutionized the non-flashaholic public but haven't ... :(
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Mar 10, 2011
Los Angeles
The flashlight that I have used most over the past few months is the... Surefire 2211.

It's a weird light that turns out to be very fun and enjoyable to use. It doesn't take a variety of battery chemistries, you can't even change the battery yourself. Plus, it's much too expensive at retail. But it offers a unique user experience that isn't offered on a single other light out there.

I think the idea of modularity and upgradability is great, but pretty well explored through the thousands (millions/billions?) of P60 lego options available. I want to see more lights that use prismatic/pouch cell LiIons, integrated USB charging, and non-cylidrical bodies. I'm not sure that we're going to see emitter technology offer much new for a while, especially in ways that are actually going to matter to the average flashlight user, but the flashlight industry has almost exclusively based itself on cylindrical and button cell batteries.

I would also like to see some more lights designed specifically as "emergency lights," especially since that is one of the most frequently asked about categories (maybe second to 5,000 Lumen monsters that cost <$50). The Surefire Hurricane Light has been discontinued for years, but remains the only mass produced example of that sort of light that I can think of. Why isn't there a light designed to take ANY battery and put out a useful flood?

Anyway... these are just some random thoughts on lights that would be interesting to see. I'm still a sucker for crazy bright lights and I've yet to find myself without some light that I want to try out.


Aug 27, 2006
Interesting reading.


This is one difficult aspect - speaking for myself, when I see fewer of the people who 'enlightened me' (Mdocod, greenLED, Patriot, Sgt.LED, & angelofwar for examples) around, I have less people that I know whom I can talk to.
Which makes me value the newer die-hards a bit more (nbp & jamesmtl514 for example :wave:)
(BTW DHart is alive and well over at RimfireCentral. :))


I think that with all the advances in LiIon rechargeables, the lack of improvements (both with regards to cost / watt-hour and the ability to deliver high wattages) in primaries has been disappointing.

The folks I have spoken to outside of CPF who are simply not interested in rechargeables aren't being brought into 'the fold' - many of the newest flashlight tech advances aren't spilling down to the CR123 & AA market.

Back in the day we'd get top performance and adequate runtimes from an LED light fueled with a single CR123 - because LED's couldn't take high currents.
With the advancements in other flashlight aspects over the past few years, CR123's just haven't kept up.
And don't get me started on how Eneloops should have revolutionized the non-flashaholic public but haven't ... :(

Hey! Good to hear that Dhart is still active. (If not on CPF than at least on another site.)

It is though unfortunate that I was able to name several Old Timers who left, but the new die-hards are just few and (it seems to me) far between. While I admire their level of dedication to this hobby, I have noticed that a few are slow to recognize the family friendly nature and tone of CPF. (Just something I've noticed. And I hope I'm wrong regarding that observation.)

The general public tends to excel best in their collective ignorance of many subjects. They have no clue that alkalines represent not just outdated but horribly poor technology in the first place. But they're cheap. Don't require a charger. Don't require waiting to have a full charged battery in hand. So, no surprise that alkalines will be around for decades to come.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 29, 2009
Reflectors and optics are precision optics. Yet, there is usually nothing physical to tell you that you are more or less in-line. We just have to approximate infinity with as long of a distance as we have access to to focus reflectors and optics, and even then, you often end up with the bowtie beam effect.

I second the want for more LiPoly prismatic lights. These would need to have their own built-in charging and safety circuits, which I would think is better than relying on the end user to choose the batteries and charger of their choice. This way, more performance lights could make it into the hands of the uninformed public, while hopefully being every bit as safe as any other consumer device powered by Li-ion.

Remote phosphor would be nice if we could get it in other substrates besides plastic

Custom, acceptable quality TIR. 'nuff sed.

Whatever happened to quantum dots? ;-)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 19, 2003
East Texas
If I see Fenix or 47s introduce a new model the 1st thing I do is see what day of the month it is then see if my bills are paid up to date. I have Surefires sitting all over the house that do the tasks needed but I might give them to family members I think might need and use a good light. IMO Surefires are rugged but not insanely bright.


Apr 8, 2002
So something kind of interesting (to me at least!) has come up in this thread. I went into this thinking the flashlight industry has gone flat and we're all kinda bored with it all - it's nothing like the good old days! But then a few members chimed in - they are new to it all. And it's ALL exciting! Sure, these members weren't around when the ARC came on the scene and when LED's were the Holy Grail... when us "old-timers" first discovered that the 3D Mag was really shite when it comes to illuminating something. I'll never forget when a few of us went to a cave over in CA and our tour guide lit up a part of the cave with his Mag. Of course we all took out our very cool LED lights and actually showed him parts of the cave he'd never seen before - even though he'd been doing tours there for some 7+ years... :D THAT'S exciting!!

So many of us have "BTDT" but there are still many who have not. Sadly we are not very indulgent of them. We roll our eyes and look down on them and act like that computer nerd on SNL who had no tolerance for anyone who didn't know anything about computers. (Anyone remember that character? "Move!" ;) ) Maybe those of us who are "bored" can find new excitement through the eyes of those who are just discovering all of the wonders of REAL flashlights? Anyone who has ever watched a child discover something new can understand what I'm saying. The wonder and joy is nothing short of a drink from the Fountain of Youth. We see things through fresh young eyes and feel the excitement again and if we're truly blessed we get to add to that wonder and joy by offering up knowledge.

I agree it is a bit frustrating when we make an attempt to guide a newcomer through the discovery process and they don't even bother to acknowledge your attempt. Hit and run - they got what they wanted and don't care about anything else. The word is "RUDE". And unfortunately it makes us rude cuz we just don't feel like making the effort anymore if no one really cares. I don't have the answers... but I suspect they are somewhere in these ramblings. Perhaps it's not so much that the industry needs to make things exciting again... perhaps it's up to us to somehow make it exciting again by rediscovery through the eyes of those who haven't yet seen all the light... ;)

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