Whats a good 1AA or 2AA flashlight these days?


Nov 8, 2009
I've been out of the loop for a few years. I used to like the Sipik sk68. I need one for work in buildings.
What kind of work and what is your budget? I love the little sipik lights! Found them very useful. I used one every night beside a tn36ut for 2 years in the nastiest dustiest oiliest environment you could possibly imagine and it held up without a hitch.
If I repeat what was recommended to me: Olight i5T, Lumintop Tool AA 2.0, Thrunite T10T AA.

Malkoff also makes an AA option called the HA 1AA. This one is quite a bit pricier tho.

All of these lights are fairly similar, but without knowing exactly what you are looking for it is hard to recommend anything more specific.

Also, Zebralight SC5w (or c) II. Very bright. Side button, takes a AA.
For AA, Fenix sells that new E12 V2 for a very reasonable price. I'd personally pick that over the Lumintop Tool just for the feel of craftsmanship for not that much more dough.
I'm not a light nerd like some and I appreciate the value of a $. My picks for single battery lights are from Fenix and Olight. Both brands are outstanding values, run rechargeables, and have good to great runtimes depending on which model and what lumes you're using. Fenix - E01 V2, E05, E12 V2 (I prefer the original over the new version), and the i3T and i5T from Olight. Of all of them, I like the little i3T the best for quick use.

I should add that I have no experience with some of the other brands mentioned but the Lumintop Tool AA is currently $18 w/coupon on amazon so I've ordered one to see what the fuss is about.
What kind of work and what is your budget? I love the little sipik lights! Found them very useful. I used one every night beside a tn36ut for 2 years in the nastiest dustiest oiliest environment you could possibly imagine and it held up without a hitch.

Asbestos surveying.
I should add that I have no experience with some of the other brands mentioned but the Lumintop Tool AA is currently $18 w/coupon on amazon so I've ordered one to see what the fuss is about.

I have two of them, one in copper and one in titanium. Cool little lights. Currently EDCing the copper to get it patina'd.
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It will be interesting to compare it to my Fenix E12 V2.
The 1aa version of the lumentop tool sounds good if you don't mind the cool white tint and I would have done ordered one if it came in neutral. They also have a rechargable version, but still cool white(yuck).
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The 1aa version of the lumentop tool sounds good if you don't mind the cool white tint and I would have done ordered one if it came in neutral. They also have a rechargable version, but still cool white(yuck).

I`m not a fan of cool white either (though I do have one), Try the Manker E03II instead ;)
I must be one of few here who doesn't care about tint. I'm in it for the amount of light I need and how long I will have it.
The Lumintop Tool AA 2.0 is a great little light. Nice output levels, good beam, and takes both a primary and/or rechargeable AA cell or a 14500 Li-ion cell for more output (and less long-term expense as opposed to AA primaries). In addition, they can be purchased with a magnetic tail cap (which turns the light into a twisty) either as the only tail cap or as an accessory. The last one I bought also came with a GOD diffuser.
I also have the Lumintop Tool AA 2.0 (3.7/28/140/270 lumens), but I think it's superfluous to have four modes in a AA light when its lowest mode is more than 1 lumen, so that's why I rarely carry it. I prefer the 3-mode UltraTac A1 with its 1/20/220 sequence. I'm content with using Eneloops in the A1, but it's nice to know it (and the Tool AA) can handle 14500s.
10 years ago, there were some really bad tints out there if you weren't careful and some of us are still jaded.

Today, most "cool" lights only appear cool when you directly compare them against other lights. "Angry blue" is a thing of the past :)

The Lumintop Tool just showed up and I have to say, I like it a lot. I especially like the diffuser and claimed 60 hr runtime on 3.7 with a Eneloop. I particularly like the styling and length as well as the easy to click tail button. The Olight 3 and 5's have a pretty strong push required. The Lumintop is certainly (based on just a few minutes with it) the equal to the Fenix E12 V2 if not the better of the two. Slightly shorter than the original E12, it's more ergonomically pleasing to me than the new V2 version of the E12 which is too short IMO (although another very decent light). A major drawback of the Lumintop is its one-way clip making ballcap use out of the question. That's an important feature for an EDC light for me but then I don't EDC flashlights unless hiking/traveling. We had a recent long power outage (about 19 hours) and other than our 4 Streamlight Siege AA lanterns for general lighting, my Olight i3T EOS was the light I used on a cap for a good part of the evening. Couldn't have done that with the Lumintop. But for household use? Very nice.
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[...]A major drawback of the Lumintop is its one-way clip making ballcap use out of the question. That's an important feature for an EDC light for me but then I don't EDC flashlights unless hiking/traveling. We had a recent long power outage (about 19 hours) and other than our 4 Streamlight Siege AA lanterns for general lighting, my Olight i3T EOS was the light I used on a cap for a good part of the evening. Couldn't have done that with the Lumintop.[...]

What if I told you you can reverse the clip by swapping the head and tail around? :naughty: Works for the AAA Tool too!
1x AA = Lumintop Tool AA 2.0, or the Manker E03II
2x AA = Thrunite Archer 2A V3

I'm also a huge fan of the Manker, especially their headlamps. I use the AAA version (E02H) due to their awesome moonlight modes. Just have to remember to hold the button down to turn it off. :grin2: