I should add that I have no experience with some of the other brands mentioned but the Lumintop Tool AA is currently $18 w/coupon on amazon so I've ordered one to see what the fuss is about.
What kind of work and what is your budget? I love the little sipik lights! Found them very useful. I used one every night beside a tn36ut for 2 years in the nastiest dustiest oiliest environment you could possibly imagine and it held up without a hitch.
I should add that I have no experience with some of the other brands mentioned but the Lumintop Tool AA is currently $18 w/coupon on amazon so I've ordered one to see what the fuss is about.
The 1aa version of the lumentop tool sounds good if you don't mind the cool white tint and I would have done ordered one if it came in neutral. They also have a rechargable version, but still cool white(yuck).
[...]A major drawback of the Lumintop is its one-way clip making ballcap use out of the question. That's an important feature for an EDC light for me but then I don't EDC flashlights unless hiking/traveling. We had a recent long power outage (about 19 hours) and other than our 4 Streamlight Siege AA lanterns for general lighting, my Olight i3T EOS was the light I used on a cap for a good part of the evening. Couldn't have done that with the Lumintop.[...]
1x AA = Lumintop Tool AA 2.0, or the Manker E03II
2x AA = Thrunite Archer 2A V3