Where are all the single AA twisties?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 20, 2009
Huntsville, AL
I'm looking for a single AA twisty light for my mom, but I can't seem to find any. A twisty AA is perfect for her, because she wants something small, and the lockout feature of twisties is an automatic part of how the switch works, which is perfect for her purse. I'd rather get an AA instead of a AAA, because an AA has much more capacity, and because the wider AA light is easier for her to turn on.

Anyway, does anybody still makes these? If not, what would be Plan B?
Alternatively, both the Fenix E12 and E12 V2.0 can be operated like a twisty, by simply keeping the rear switch ON permanently and twisting the head for mode switching instead.

And you still have the button in case your mother likes that better after all.
I'm looking for a single AA twisty light for my mom, but I can't seem to find any. A twisty AA is perfect for her, because she wants something small, and the lockout feature of twisties is an automatic part of how the switch works, which is perfect for her purse. I'd rather get an AA instead of a AAA, because an AA has much more capacity, and because the wider AA light is easier for her to turn on.

Anyway, does anybody still makes these? If not, what would be Plan B?

Given the massive increase in emitter efficiency, an AAA cells lasts a LONG time. I use a keychain fenix aaa light in my job daily. A battery lasts around 6 months.

The e01 series is the current one I think.
1xAA lights used to be about the most popular form factor out there. I guess the novelty wore off somewhat. People want large lithium rechargeable batteries and more power now it seems.
Lumintop Tool AA comes with an alternate tailcap that makes it a head twisty. Great little light.
The Peak mentioned above (El Capitan) , or their Logan 17500 version, are very simple and robust designs which meet your specifications.

Here's a photo (with the Peak on the right) ...

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The Olight i5T isn't THAT easy to turn on without intending to do so...but as a tail switch type, you may not want to try it. I would still recommend that you do though.
I think you can still get an L3 illumination L10...

Yes. SB Flashlights is the only place it's available. They have both the twisty L10 and the tailswitch activated L10C. Great overall design, with the main drawback being that it doesn't seem to be the most durable light.

Most of what they have is the 4-mode version, which includes an extremely low moonlight for use with dark-adapted eyes. Most general users would likely prefer the 3-mode version.
The L3 Illumination AA lights were notoriously fragile. Rolled off a 3ft counter and mine was dead. Many others had the same experience. It was nice while it lasted though.

The CountyComm Ti AA seems well built, but brightness was way less than advertised, guessing about 90 lumens on Max since it was about as bright or dimmer than some of my AAA lights. The Med and High modes were nearly indistinguishable.
The L3 Illumination AA lights were notoriously fragile. Rolled off a 3ft counter and mine was dead. Many others had the same experience. It was nice while it lasted though.

I recall a few reports of fragility with the L10 twisties, but I seem to recall many more failure reports of the L10 clickies. I've been using an L10 4-mode Nichia twisty as my primary ENC (Every Night Carry) torch for over 8 years, and it is still going strong, but it also hasn't seen any hard use, including drops.
I had anL10 go bad, but discovered that only the solder joint from the pcb to the body was bad; a simple re-solder and it is operational again.