Where to get a cheap Aluminum Plate 7x5x1" roughly?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 30, 2003
I need an aluminum plate roughly 7" long, 5" wide, and about .75 to 1" thick.

Any idea where to get one cheap? I've looked on ebay but found nothing close except a .5" thick peice but that's too thin. Min 3/4" thick is what I need. 1" would be fine too. A flate rate priority mail envelope sounds like the way to ship it too...

Can someone point me where else to look? Or does anyone have any laying around?! :naughty:


I always scrounge around the local scrap metal dealer when I'm looking for things like this. I find what I'm looking for about half the time and always cheap. :)
I know that their is a nice metal supply around here and they have some aluminum plates just laying around for a coupla bucks a pound.
You may wish to try:
Metal Suppliers Online at SuppliersOnline.Com

Pit DeMoines Steel at PDMSteel.Com

Reliance Steel & Aluminum Company at RSAC.Com

or check out the MNIGuide.Com

Hope you find what you're looking for and Enjoy!
Thanks guys. Once I get my plate I'll have a lot of work to do! Hax saw and drill here I come!! Saves me a lot of money but I'm sure it will take several hours, but hey that's the fun part right? :p :D
hahahaha. I'm actually going to use it on my car after I make it into an adapter so I can bolt on a different intake manifold and bolt up the emissions system to keep the computer happy from throwing a check engine light. My year ECM is un-tuneable :( I've had the intake manifolds that I ported and painted and other stuff for almost a year and this is the last real piece holding me back. I had another adapter devised up but it would require hacking up and welding another part of my car, so this aluminum one will be the better just bolt on and go route, without cutting up anything. The fact I don't own a welder and this is my daily driver means I need have it all ready to go. The other way just wasn't practical for my situation.

The remainder/scraps will likely be used as a heatsink for some luxeons on a wall-wart for some cool room lighting. I have some green and cyan luxIII that would look really radical behind my computer desk shining up on the wall/ceiling!

Sorry to disappoint, it's not for some super mega 200watt LED torch mod :crackup: I wish though!!!!
There seems to be a number of car, gun and knife nuts on this board. Good luck on your project. Last time I made an adapter plate like that, it was to bolt a Garrett T25 turbocharger to a stock Honda Civic exhaust manifold. Simple project that reaped great rewards in the power department. The trouble was, after I posted pics on another forum, people started bugging me to make the adapters for a fee. (I'd have loved to, but the time involved would have been $$$$.)