Where would you like LED torch research money to be spent?


Nov 11, 2008

Question is in the title. This is of course just a fun thread, there is no research money that we are allocating :) .

Another way it could be asked is what area of modern torches do you believe need the most improvement?

LED Emitter Output (brightness/efficiency/reliability)

LED Emitter Color (CRI)

General Construction (heat sinking, threads, construction materials)

Batteries (capacity, output, size, safety, reliability)

Tailswitch Reliability

UI/Electronics (electronics reliability falls under this one)

Optics (Reflector/Lens/Focus)

Exterior Coating (the next HAIII?)

Split it equally

Torches are perfect, I want all the money to go to (X) research.

My Thoughts are as follows:

LED Emitter Output (brightness/efficiency/reliability)

I am happy with the current LEDs. I have never had a LED fail on me, and and I can probably do 99% of my EDC jobs with 60lm. We are now up to 300, which gives me plenty of excess. Not my number 1 choice for research $$

LED Emitter Color (CRI)

Im just not that tint fussy. Also, IMO, if the neutral light makes a white wall look yellow, its not neutral its yellow lol. (aka my TK20). I do prefer warmer colors to cooler ones, but most of my lights are cool white and i dont mind. Again not my number 1 choice for research $$.

General Construction (heat sinking, threads, construction materials)

I have been happy with the construction of all my torches. I have never had a torch fail due to poor body construction. Again not my number 1 choice for research $$.

Batteries (capacity, output, size, safety, reliability)

I think we would all like better batteries. This is my number 2 choice for research $$. Pretty self explanatory, an the benefits could spill over into many other things.

Tailswitch Reliability

Of my 3 high end torch failures, 2 have been tailswitch related. Tailswitches are the 1 thing that destroys my confidence in my high end torches. If tailswitches where bombproof I would ditch one of my EDC's. This is my FIRST and number 1 choice for research/wanted improvement.

UI/Electronics (electronics reliability falls under this one)

Perhaps someday we can plug our torches into a computer and set all of our modes/ui up to be exactly as we wish. I generally just use max mode on all my torches anyway (i know i know, overkill and all that) so not really of concern to me.

Optics (Reflector/Lens/Focus)

I DO wish more torches where focusable, but as it is I like the beam on most of them. I dont really think the research needs to be done, as Fenix can make the E20. I just think the current knowledge needs to be used a bit more often.

Exterior Coating (the next HAIII?)

I like my beat-up looking lights. As a result this is the LAST place I want any of them spending money :)

Of course I realize that in reality all the different researches are done by different companies, so its all split up by the size of those companies/the amount each one dedicates to research.