Whos heard of the Methane Time Bomb?

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Yeah....saw the entire theory outlined several years ago.

Summary - In terms of green house gases, CO2 is actually a mediocre one. Water vapor and methane are far worse greenhouse antagonists. So, the theory goes that while CO2 isn't the problem the mass media says it is, excess amounts of it will raise climate temps enough to start releasing frozen methane deposits in the ocean and causing a drastic escalation in global climate warming.
My dad showed me an article he found on the internet recently, with pics and everything, about how in ?Venezuela(I think)? scientists are putting tubes up cows butts, to capture the methane they produce, to reduce their green house gas emissions. The other end of the tube goes into a big pink plastic tank they strap to the back of the cows. Talk about animal cruelty. :shakehead

But, yeah, I can't believe the push to limit individuals CO2 output, when CO2 isn't anywhere as near as bad as Methane.

As for water vapor... Clouds are made of water vapor. So, logically, they say we shouldn't produce clouds, to produce rain?
Something smells funny here...
Typical propaganda from the mass media. Save the world and stop them farting cows! :laughing: Oh and be sure to give up your rights and pay more taxes or :poof:
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