I made up a little homebrew bike light using canibalized parts from a TaskForce 3W 2C flashlight.
Here is what I did:
While I think that having it run on two - 2C batteries hooked in parrallel will be just fine, I thought I would just try to run a 4AA holder connected to the light. So basically the equivalent of 4 in series. The battery holder started to get very warm at the negative terminal of one of the batteries; not the negative terminal of the 9V connector mind you, but on the butt end of the battery.
I know this unit has a DC step up and is designed to run on 3V, but why would the actual batteries get so hot as to melt the plastic battery holder.
Sorry, if this is a stupid questions, but I just don't know why.
Here is what I did:
While I think that having it run on two - 2C batteries hooked in parrallel will be just fine, I thought I would just try to run a 4AA holder connected to the light. So basically the equivalent of 4 in series. The battery holder started to get very warm at the negative terminal of one of the batteries; not the negative terminal of the 9V connector mind you, but on the butt end of the battery.
I know this unit has a DC step up and is designed to run on 3V, but why would the actual batteries get so hot as to melt the plastic battery holder.
Sorry, if this is a stupid questions, but I just don't know why.