Why are there so many cat avatars?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 17, 2007
Charleston, SC
:wave:As the title suggests, cat-themed avatars seem to be very popular...why? Why not dogs? I definitely get the humor but is there a connection between flashaholics and cats?!?

Just a random question after seeing several different cat avatars today. If everyone likes cats, maybe this isn't very off topic?!?
:wave:As the title suggests, cat-themed avatars seem to be very popular...why? Why not dogs? I definitely get the humor but is there a connection between flashaholics and cats?!?

Just a random question after seeing several different cat avatars today. If everyone likes cats, maybe this isn't very off topic?!?

Maybe those individuals like cats. What humor are you referring to?
Maybe those individuals like cats. What humor are you referring to?

The several that I have seen are funny pics...like a cat sticking out it's tongue or hissing. For some reason, a hissing cat used as an avatar is funny. And a cat sticking out its tongue?!?...much funnier than a dog sticking out its tongue :)laughing: No offense intended TOOCOOL)!!

Go figure...I start a thread about cat avatars and I have people with a turtle and a dog avatar respond!:ohgeez: :crackup:
I guess I hadn't noticed many cat avatars. I have seen a few pics and discussions of them.

I noticed the cute "Gromit" avatar.

He's a dog. :cool:

"Cracking toast, Gromit !" :thumbsup:

Cat Avatar?

Haven't seen one.
As a parrot you better watch out!

I think cats just love watching flashlight beams.

Can anybody guess what my avatar is? :thinking: One clue, its not a cat but its sort of a wild animal. lol.
yup it is a CATastrophe for sure. Cats are night creatures that like to strut in the dark..... if they couldn't see well in the dark they would want flashlights.
They're actually a secret (secreter, I guess) society (the cat avatar people, that is.) within candle power forums. Only they know their true (and likely evil intentions [one can only assume by their choice of avatar]). CPF'ers beware...:devil:
I don't post that often, do I? :confused:

The cat in my avatar is actually an entertainment phenomenon/internet meme, known as "Spaghetti Cat".

A few months ago on the popular television show The Morning Show With Mike And Juliet, the hosts were in the middle of an interview when suddenly there was a cut to an image of a cat in front of a plate of spaghetti, with no audio. It remained for about five seconds, then the interview returned as if nothing had happened, no break or explanation.

In the days that followed, the clip of the incident spread across the internet; It was so unexpected and bizarre that it quickly became a sensation, some calling it art, others calling it a whimsical gaffe, and Spaghetti Cat was a cultural meme from then on.

It has since been revealed that during the interview, the interviewee broke into a series of expletives and so the editors simply broadcast the image of a cat from a pet talent event earlier in the show's season.

So there's some meaning to it after all, this cute image covering a torrent of unbroadcastable filth. Draw your own conclusions :D
I'd guess you're maybe referring to the internet phenomenon of LOLCATS?
Google or wikipedia it for more if you really want to waste time.

Kitties are cuuuute. And of course they're way better than dogs. :D
you wanna see cute eh,

now that puppy(he is my puppy) is cute. :D
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