Why do I want a Polarion PF-40 Helios


Jan 14, 2005
I think my HID collection will not be complete without one??

Can I get one that is the silver and black comination color like in the earlier shots of the light??

Talk me out of it and save me some $$$$$


Why do you want one? Becasue your a Flashaholic :grin2:

I would like to get a Helios or a X1, but they are quite expensive. If I were you I'd get the X1 because its cheaper & smaller and the output is around the same.

If you have the cash I'd go for it.

You want a Heliios because your MegaRay wants more company,
If you want shiny you may need to get an X1 or both :D .

Take Care,
mtbkndad :wave:
talk you out of it?
i can't talk you out of it cuz there's nothing bad about it besides the PRICE!!!!!
2K for a light, man that's steep.
especially if you aren't going to be doing anything as serious and demanding as the icelandic coast guard... but if you need a hand held cannon for nightly walks then by all means
Come on Andreas! You know you want one or two to go along with your MegaRay like what mtbkndad said so above. More than likely it'll complement your Lambos! :huh:
scaredofthedark said:
talk you out of it?
i can't talk you out of it cuz there's nothing bad about it besides the PRICE!!!!!
2K for a light, man that's steep.
especially if you aren't going to be doing anything as serious and demanding as the icelandic coast guard... but if you need a hand held cannon for nightly walks then by all means


Take a look at this link-


Compared to Andreas' other aquisitions this is cheap :D .

As a matter of fact Andreas, it is my professional opinion that you NEED a Heios.
My "expert" opinion fee is and X1 :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Now seriously speaking the Helios is a vey nice light, if you get one I would recomend getting one with the handle as the Helios without the handle feels very front heavy. I personally like the feel of the handled Helios more when gripping it by the body too.

You may also want to take a close look at the X1.
You can get that one in Silver. The light output is very similar and it has longer run time.

Most important of all, make sure wherever you get it from that it has the new switch assembly.

Take Care,
mtbkndad :wave:
good stuff
in this case im out of my poor student mindset and in successful monetary situation.
why wouldn't you get one hahah get 2 and stick one on each side of your murceilago to help light up those roads you drive down at night lol.

i apologize for assuming you didn't have chump change like 2k in your change holder.
Hand held searchlights are 1 thing but....

Andreas, you should have XeVision landing and taxi lights in your A-36 Bonanza. You can install using an FAA form 337, we have a sample of an approved form for your aircraft on our Website.
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BVH said:
I'd prefer a Gulfstream over a Lear!

Okay, I'll sell lights for those as well.

My lights are on the B1B (inovations) testing platform at Edwards AFB. also the F35 Lightning II(JSF)
Are you flashaholics going to talk the walk or are you gonna walk the walk? Get with it! Whip that plastic out and order those Helios's! No more chattering. Now excuse me while I go order my Gulfstream with Dan's custom lights.
BVH said:
Are you flashaholics going to talk the walk or are you gonna walk the walk?

None of the above. I'm going to continue talking the talk.


Since you wanted us to talk you out of it, how about this.
You don't need it.
Your HID collection is fine.
If you add the Helios it will just be a matter of time before you want to add something else.
What do you have in the way of nice watches or custom knives?
I personally think the X1 has a more balanced feel when holding it then the Helios.
You could donate the money to your favorite charity.

Take Care,
mtbkndad :wave:
Lux, that graphic is seriously messing with me, because I know that none of them are actually moving, but my eyes say that they are...grrrr.

I've been converted to favor the X1 also.

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