Why the love fest with AAA lights?


Apr 2, 2007
While I can appreciate a small light, it seems that most AAA lights aren't much smaller than D10's/EZAA's, especially if you look at the ones that have clickies, etc.

For the most part, it seems like you're saving 1/2" and giving up 2-3x the battery life, and brightness.

Is the narrower form factor that significant? I dun get it.
I'm not that crazy about AAA lights in general but for one purpose, key ring use, where the small difference in size, to me at least, makes a huge difference. Since it is a backup light I'll sacrifice capacity for size. And in my case for most of my flashaholic career I kept a Photon Microlight on my key ring as no AAA light brough enough to the table to warrant even the AAA size/weight until I found the Liteflux LF2 which brings a beautiful beam and programmability to the mix.

Although the Peak Eiger in 10180 or 10280 with a warm flood beam at maybe level 2 or so does pique my interest - beautiful Rebel beam and a smaller form factor at a reasonable price so I won't mind banging it around on my keys.
The same reasons why I love AA lights, just in a smaller package.

Like AA, I think one big advantage is the universal availability of batteries. And some models really do perform very well using this small batt, like Fenix E01, LD01, Peak Eiger and Liteflux LF2XT to name a few.
Gatsby nailed it- what is the BEST flashlight? The one you have with you when you absolutely need it. PEAK SS EIGER #8 cool Medium. SS Lug Body. Durable, Bright- reliable- and it is ALWAYS in my pocket on my keychain.:grin2:
and I don't want to bash the LF2XT, it is a beautiful light (and I do wish it came in AA), but, for example, it's 2mm shorter and 2mm narrower than an EZAA.

I guess I just wonder if people have put both AAA's and AA lights in their pocket and felt a noticable difference, or if they just go 'ooh, AAA' and buy without regards to size, because they assume it'll be significantly smaller.
I feel the size is definately noticeable in my pocket. I have an LF2XT and an EZAA and I can appreciate a difference. With regard to performance, my all of my single mode AAA lights tend to play a back up role. I have been trying out the LF2XT (and the EZAA) as a more pocket friendly alterntive to my larger CR123 lights.
Most AAA lights are much smaller than most AA lights.

Comparing the LF2XT to the EZAA is kind of the extremes of both.
The size for me is a factor both in terms of pocket as well as key ring carry - but moreso for the key ring and for pocket carry I'll manage a larger light as a trade for more capacity. My pocket light varies a bit but I've recently had a Peak McKinley, an EZ123 and a Liteflux LF3XT as my EDC light.

take the LF3XT and my favorite Novatac 120P - the LF3XT is only slightly smaller but that is enough of a difference given the same battery capacity and relatively flexible UI that I do reach for the Liteflux fairly often over the Novatac for work at least. It just depends on the setting, what I'm wearing and what I anticipate doing...
I found I can only comfortably carry a AAA form factor light in my pocket. My Fenix LOD Q4 has done this job well.
While I can appreciate a small light, it seems that most AAA lights aren't much smaller than D10's/EZAA's, especially if you look at the ones that have clickies, etc.

For the most part, it seems like you're saving 1/2" and giving up 2-3x the battery life, and brightness.

Is the narrower form factor that significant? I dun get it.
I have absolutely zero love for anything AA or AAA.
I carry my LF2XT Ti in my pocket all the time - and to me the difference between AA and AAA lights does make a real difference in how it feels in my pocket - I carry a bunch of things but try to not look like I'm walking around with bulging pockets.

The AA or CR123 lights I carry sometimes I always clip to the top of my pocket, which reduces the bulge they would have made lower in the pocket.

Also, there is an appeal to something very small that can make a LOT of light; This is not unlike the desire to own a BIG, BRIGHT light, it is also fun to own a small, BRIGHT light. The wow factor is even greater when the light is tiny, even if it only puts out a fraction of the light a big light would.

Then there is also aesthetic considerations; small lights are more like jewelry or watches and can have the appeal of the small, shiny object. Big shiny objects are fine also, but a small titanium light with a nice trit or two can be a very appealing thing.
Most AAA lights are much smaller than most AA lights.

Comparing the LF2XT to the EZAA is kind of the extremes of both.

Agreed. This is more like it

Can you do this with an AA light?
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My AAAs are my most used lights and I love the form factor.

When I am at work I usually wear dress slacks or a decent pair of khakis. It's not really an option to have a larger light clipped to my pocket or belt and I can definitely tell the difference in size between most AAAs and AAs or 123s in my pocket.

My go to lights are currently the LD01 SS, Maratac SS, or iTP SS with the Maratac getting the most pocket time. All of them are significantly smaller than my EZAA IMO when it comes to how noticeable they are in my pocket. I rotate my Aeon into the mix on occasion as well.

During work, I have never needed more light than I can get from any of the above mentioned lights. If I did need more light, I always have larger lights in the car (namely a NovaTac 120 and a 4D cell Mag with a Malkoff drop in).

Since most of my time away from my house is at work, I've come to value what can be done with a single AAA battery and I really don't need anything more.

Now weekends or camping, that is an entirely different story.
Then there is also aesthetic considerations; small lights are more like jewelry or watches and can have the appeal of the small, shiny object. Big shiny objects are fine also, but a small titanium light with a nice trit or two can be a very appealing thing.

+1 :grin2:

i love single cell lights. i was buying cr123 lights, then i switched to AA; and now AAA lights. the LF2XT is the most amazing flashlight i've ever seen.

why the love fest with AAA lights? they're the perfect every day carry! i also use an old kodak advantix plastic film canister with a piece of foam in it; it perfectly carries 4 extra AAAs. i keep 2 eneloops and 2 lithiums in it. ...so i'm not so worried about not holding as much energy as other cell types.

now when it comes to camping and other purposeful outdoor excursions, i usually (in addition) take my Fenix TK40 out with a spare set of batts.

i have that light pictured above on its way to me! :)

why hasn't Kaichu Dento chimed in yet? i'd like to hear his $0.02.
I'm sure i'm not putting anything new out here, but the reason I love AAA lights is that they fit on your keys perfectly for a non-flashaholic like me (my EDCs are a E01 and a Ultrafire 602C, though I'm seriously tempted by an EOS AAA), an AA in such a case is way too big, although the EZAA does seem like an attractive prospect, it's still bigger than my Ultrafire, which I already consider to be slightly big for my preference.

I might at some point get a clipped EDC, in which case an AA/CR123 on my pants is perfect, but for a keychain light, AAA are definitely the way to go, a super common battery + smallest size possible.

BTW, i love Davidt1's idea of clipping a light to a wallet, very nifty
The AAA lights are probably the biggest common battery torch that fit comfortably on a keychain.

I have a EZAAw in my pocket (goto light) and a Millermod Arc AAA on my keychain (backup light). They have identical UI.
My smallest AA light is a Zebralight H501. My smallest RCR123 is a Romisen RC-C3. They're still too big to pocket-EDC.
My smallest AA light is a Zebralight H501. My smallest RCR123 is a Romisen RC-C3. They're still too big to pocket-EDC.

The H501 is bit thick to clip, so I just drop it and the headband in my shirt pocket. If the shirt pocket is too small, then I drop them in the front pant pocket. I can't go anywhere without my H501. If you modified it the way I did mine, you will understand why it's so useful to have. The Maratac is great too, so I EDC them both. Fortunately, the Maratac is so small I can put it anywhere including in the wallet.
I've tried to get used to a AA in the pocket, but they're just too bulky (except for the EZAA). AAA lights can ride in there unnoticed.
