Wide spill?

I came to the light...

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 4, 2007
I just recently got rid of my Cabela's alaskan guide xenon (poor man's A2), because it was simply too dim, and I didn't like the red LEDs. But it did have one thing none of my expensive flashlights have - really wide spill. I mean really wide - I measured around 6' diameter at 3' out. This was actually a huge help both indoors and outdoors. Does anybody know of a flashlight (current tech, high quality, etc) with spill that wide? Thanks :)
This was actually a huge help both indoors and outdoors. Does anybody know of a flashlight (current tech, high quality, etc) with spill that wide? Thanks :)

how about an M60F or M60LF drop-in? that should get you close...
because this is in the LED Flashlight forum your question may be limited to an LED response. maybe you could post it in the General Flashlight forum and get other responses?
This was actually a huge help both indoors and outdoors. Does anybody know of a flashlight (current tech, high quality, etc) with spill that wide? Thanks :)

how about an M60F or M60LF drop-in? that should get you close...
because this is in the LED Flashlight forum your question may be limited to an LED response. maybe you could post it in the General Flashlight forum and get other responses?

Thanks for the suggestion :) - I'd forgotten about that. Don't the regular M60s have the same spill, just a more focused hotspot?

Despite the alaskan guide being an incan, I'd like to limit this to LEDs. But thanks for the suggestion :)
Ultrafire C2 is a pretty floody beam. I just measured mine. At 3' from the wall, the spill is 4' wide.
If you want some serious light, get a Romisen RC-T6. I just checked mine and the spill is slightly wider than 6' at a distance of 3'.
I just recently got rid of my Cabela's alaskan guide xenon (poor man's A2), because it was simply too dim, and I didn't like the red LEDs. But it did have one thing none of my expensive flashlights have - really wide spill. I mean really wide - I measured around 6' diameter at 3' out. This was actually a huge help both indoors and outdoors. Does anybody know of a flashlight (current tech, high quality, etc) with spill that wide? Thanks :)

The INOVA T1 has fairly wide spill.I measured about 5' diameter on the wall from 3' away.The T1 is rated at 100 lumens and that seems to be accurate.
Roscolux LDF under the lens of any LED flashlight you care to use.

Sorry my solution is so cheap, but it is effective!
Sgt LED, I use something similar. It a clear diffuser material that has an adhesive backing too. I use the lens as a template and cut out the diffuser material then stick it to the inside of the lens. If you can't remove the lens, then I use an object that is the same diameter as the lens as a template, then stick it on the outside. It gives you a very wide smooth beam, with not hot spot. Works great, very inexpensive, and easy to undo if you change your mind later. :thumbsup:

:wave: Newbie to posting on CPF, but have been lurking around for a couple years now.
What you are using sounds alot like PDA protectant Writeright?
I have it on a couple of light for when I value a nice clean beam profile.
Very handy material.
I'm pretty happy with my Surefire L4,later on tonight i'll have to measure the beam @3ft.

Take care.
The widest and brightest spill I have ever seen is on a Milky Room Sweeper.
You can read about it here: Milky Room Sweeper
Run time may be an issue for you though, but for those 30 minutes, you can light up the state you are in.
i found a couple of older threads that mention the SF L4 as having "a wall of light".... this is the light that others compared the M60LF to.
Sorry I haven't checked this thread in a while.

Thanks for the suggestions everybody :)

I guess I should have been more specific. I meant wide spill only. Wide hotspot is OK, but not prefered. And I'd like to keep this to lights I'd buy anyway - ie, high quality and small (1x18650 or less).

Can anybody measure spill width of the Surefires?

Sgt. LED, thanks for the suggestion. I'm just worried it will completely kill the hotspot. Also, I don't know what you mean by LDF. I assume it's from this page (http://www.rosco.com/us/filters/roscolux.asp), but which coating?

Hogokansatsukan, that's one amazing light! But I don't think I'll be able to convince myself to spend that much :crazy:
LDF = Light Diffusion Film

AH my good man the beauty of the filter sampler pack is that you can choose the strength that you are after!

CLICK HERE> Light strength diffusion to total flood with 0 hotspot and everything inbetween. It also has plenty of color filters to play with too.

Every CPF'er with an LED light ought to buy one of these. I simply can not praise it's usefullness enough, it is a must try.
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The Lumapower Incendio has the broadest spillbeam for an EDC that I know of; it uses an unusually shallow reflector that results in a wider beam than the broader Fenix models. Plus the head/reflector assembly can be removed for bare-emitter 180 degree lighting, a true floodlight.

The JetBeam Jet II IBS also has a removable head/reflector, and is far superior in build and interface, but the reflector is biased for throw. The Lumapower is floody regardless of how you use it.
The Lumapower Incendio has the broadest spillbeam for an EDC that I know of; it uses an unusually shallow reflector that results in a wider beam than the broader Fenix models. Plus the head/reflector assembly can be removed for bare-emitter 180 degree lighting, a true floodlight.

The JetBeam Jet II IBS also has a removable head/reflector, and is far superior in build and interface, but the reflector is biased for throw. The Lumapower is floody regardless of how you use it.

+1 on the IncinDio. It is the floodiest light I own. It has more flood than my Amilite T5. The Encore looks like it will be a great flood light as well.
Thanks for the recommendation sgt LED. I'll probably try that pretty soon. But I'm still hoping to find a flashlight that has a wide spill beam inherently.

The incendio sounds great. Do you know how wide the spill is? (approx feet at 3 feet out).