Wife and HID...a success story


Oct 20, 2007
Yukon, Oklahoma
I cannot believe what I am going to tell you guys. A poor little (OK, not poor and not little) neighbors cat got hit by a car and decided he liked my lawn to make her final resting place. The women decided this cat must be burried that night (which was last night). It was almost completely dark...

My wife instructs me to get a shovel...I respond which one.....which then led to the "let me show you which one". I grab my Lowes Cree Task Force light and proceed to the shed. We pick the appropriate shovel and go, dead cat in hand, towards the neighbors.

I, of course, get chosen to dig. Now since it was dark, I had the youngest daughter carry the 3D M@g LED with paralleled MircroPucks to kind of show the way and then I just had to try out the new Power On Board HID from Sams I got a couple of weeks ago (thanks Mike!!). I had to give it to the wife to illuminate the hole which was overkill...it was amazing how much light that thing puts out and yes I know there are much better HID's out there, but what an introduction to HID's!! The wife actually said "Wow, this thing really lights up the place. That's really a nice light".

Success gentlemen!!

Oh, before all the tornado sirens went off an hour or so later, I did shine it up to the sky. Got that very, very satisfying feeling of seeing the beam shine up maybe 500 to 800 feet to the clouds. Looked like the spotlights you see at the car dealerships every once in awhile.

I am now officially hooked on HID!!

Thanks guys for the motivation. Now I have more lights to play with......

Bob E.
Well congrats! Another successfully converted wife..lol. HID's are the most additive form of flashlight madness that I can think of. They're so much fun to use.
LOL, great story except for the part of the expired cat! ;-) So the wife told you to get a shovel and dig hmm? I would think the usual husbandly response is "tell me what to do or how to do it, not both!" hahaha.

If you like your POB, you should get yourself a Wolf Eyes Boxer 123X. It's only 10 watts, but it's a whizbang thrower, a lot of power in the palm of your hand!
Me: I'm buying a Polarion PF50.
Wife: A what?
Me: A High Intensity Discharge searchlight.
Wife: Is it expensive?
Me: Ehem!....$2195.....
Wife: hmmmmmmm................................Can I have the Surefire? (M6)

She gets my old M6. I get my Polarion PF50. :twothumbs